These days 29

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These days by Rudimental

Warm breeze traced my skin, to places that I've never been. The world changed its color. Watching the sky turn a brighter shade of blue. All the troubles laid to rest. Sour days were long gone. The May atmosphere swayed in the air. Different flowers bloomed in the Grey's yard.

Chatter echoed in the backyard. Margaret carried a bowl with salad. Antoni followed suit, holding another bowl. Isaiah opened a bottle of red wine. John prepared glasses for each person. Lillian recorded the chaos on her new camera. Donna holding the new born baby, Jasper by her side making fun faces. The little girl had no idea of what was going on around her. Tiny Isadore stared at her parents with big doll eyes. From afar I witnessed the scene. The warmth floated on the inside.

Gentle hand touched my lower back. Green found blue. A genuine smile played on my lips.

"Shall we," he said.

"We shall," I nodded.

Hand in hand we moved towards our family. These days were important to us. Gathering together and enjoy the dinner. Peaceful atmosphere swayed in the air. We were not alone; we knew who we were. Almost a year has passed since the accident. I would never forget that day. The scar I carried with me wouldn't let me forget, it was part of me. Jim Dommer was shot by Richard, after the bullet hit me.

Calvin remained by my side. Assuming me that he would never let me out of his sight again.

Young adults took a seat at the table. A glass of white wine was placed in front of me by a grinning John. Rolling my eyes, I accepted the offer.

"And here we have another couple," Lillian shoved her camera in our faces. "Future Emily Dickenson and her future husband-," shifting her camera to the side, "I'm sorry, no idea who you will become in the future," she said to Calvin. Camera back on us, "they hold together like magnets. Negative and positive."

"Enough," Calvin muttered.

"And our camera woman who deserves a part in this movie as well," I took the device from her hands. The focus now is on the girl. "She is a bright female. Future physics and str-."

"Right, enough," she chuckled. Taking the camera from me, she sat down.

"I know the end of the sentence though," Isaiah smirked.

"Quit it before I cut you in pieces," Lillian said.

"Scary," John muttered. "The longer you spend time with the devil, the more you become alike."

"Seriously," my brows shot up.

"Love ya," he blew a kiss in the air.

A small cry left the baby's lips. Donna excused herself from the table. Probably time for sleep. I tried to babysit the tiny human, it was somewhat difficult. I was afraid to hurt her. Donna watched my struggles with amusement. Isadore enjoyed my company so far, loving to sleep in her auntie's arms, while I walked around the house telling her my favorite poems.

"Someday I'll have a baby too," Margaret watched my sister in the distance.

"Ya heard, Antoni boy, put more effort in the bedroom," Calvin said.

"Shut it," the boy replied. A confused Margaret stared at him. "No, oh God, don't sta-."

"If you don't want children, you can say it straight away. No need for cheap lies," the girl said.

"Wasn't meant lik-."

"I understand, we are young, you want to become a doctor first, blah, blah-," the girl was interrupted by the lips over hers. These boys, Christ. The table broke into a swift laughter.

"I want your babies," Antoni said, "just not now, darling."

"I'll be an aunt!" Lillian yelled.

"Soon," her brother said. "Let us live our lives first."

Donna returned with the baby, holding a fluffy bunny to cheer the girl up.

"I want to make a toast," Calvin stood up holding a glass. His hand on my shoulder. "We all've been told to live in the moment, yet the moment is the greatest mystery. When is exactly that moment? We don't know it, yet we continue to live. In each other's embrace and with stupid jokes we feel safe. People at this table will always be the most important thing, no matter what. For the past year we've became a family, each other's homes. We'll meet new people, tell new stories and build our own future, but by the end of the day, we would come back home. To family."

"To family."

Clicking the glasses together we all cheered. Delight entered our souls. Family was gathered at a table, all in one piece. Sipping on my drink, I felt a warm palm cover my thigh. Calvin was already admiring me. Kissing his cheek, I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Vic, can you hold her, please," Donna said.

"Bien sur," I took the baby in my hands.

Her blue doll eyes peered through me. A bright smile built itself on my lips. Tiny human swayed her hands in the air, showing me how delightful she was. My eyes shone like stars in the sky. A weird connection ran through me. She was bewitching her aunty.

"She would be a wonderful mother," Lillian whispered to Calvin.

"She sure will be," he smiled.

Our eyes met. Future was unclear, yet ours was an enchanted shade of blue and green. Picture of one day holding a tiny creature of ours was insane. Laughter in the air, and I am back on the field of dandelions. Now, however, with another pair of short feet chasing us.

"I am late, my apologies," Richard came up to us.

The man became a part of this family as well. He was the angel who saved my life. My father could never be replaced, the older man however stepped as a father figure to support us. Kissing my hair, he took a seat between Margaret and Calvin. The table was completed with his presence.

They say live the life the way that you wished right after you wake up. I may say they are right. There will be a gray cloud above your head someday. Nevertheless, behind the gray cloud is hiding a bright sun. Even the rain ends and the wind pushes heavy clouds aside. It won't be perfect, yet it is yours. You decide how the story will continue. Book is not slim; it has many pages. Turn the page, take a pen and rewrite the story. Do not let people destroy your images of life. Their opinion changes every day, yours stays with you.

Listen to your heart.

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