Getaway Car 22

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Getaway Car by Taylor Swift

I woke up to a soft breeze tracing my exposed skin. The covers above me were holding the warmth. A strong arm wrapped around me and my back pressed against a strong chest. His hot breath tickling the back of my neck. The slow breathing, sound of birds singing and our move-less figures.

My eyes flew open. Carefully I turned around under his embrace. The sight of a peaceful boy sleeping melted my heart. He was here with me. The warm palm touched his soft brown hair, pushing them out of his face. Tracing the healing face. The lightly patterned apart lips were formed perfectly. The previous night was like a dream, he made it real. Everything he said and did was real.

"Morning, Angel," he muttered, eyes closed.

"Morning," I said. A small smile appeared on my face.

His strong hands never dared to let me go, only pulling me further towards him. His palm traced over my bare back, mine over his straight jawline.
He drew stars around my scars.
Steady breathing from both of us. Shifting my palm over his chest, the healing bruises faded. Tension in his muscles was gone. Seemed like we were the only people in this universe. No words have been needed. Our eyes never lied. Colors exposed us, they mixed and drew a perfect picture.

"How do you feel?" He whispered.

"Like I am in heaven," I muttered. His eyes flew open, admiring my delightful expression.

First time in the past weeks I felt alive yet again. New energy shot through me. I knew he couldn't fix everything for me, he helped me fix a few parts. Not for me, but with me. I was ready to help him pick up the shattered pieces of his past and create a different present, along the following future, together.

"You look beautiful," he muttered, tracing my cheek. Closing the heavy eyelids again.

Those simple words made me want to jump on the same spot, my heart was ready to burst out of my chest. And the smile never dared to escape.

"Calvin," I muttered. He nodded, listening. "Thank you." The green in his eyes found my blue.

"What for?"

"For bringing me back to life," I said.

The amount of times I wanted to give up. Sleepless nights and hot tears. I wished to lay down and be buried six feet under. He didn't let it happen. The stare from him held me. Adjusting my posture to stay straight and continue to fight. Giving up is awful for me, yet the darkness started to win. Calvin prevented me from the fall in the unknown world of emptiness.


I found an apple pie in the fridge, Vanessa made it earlier, leaving the plate with a note. I was on good terms with food this morning, allowing myself to taste the delicious looking piece.

While I poured us some coffee, my back turned to him. A pair of hands hang around my waist from behind, pulling me towards a hard chest. Small kiss on my neck, on my collarbone and then on my cheek.

"Mr. Doomer," I announced, "stop, or otherwise you will have to make breakfast by yourself."

"Miss Grey, don't complain too much, otherwise I will have to throw you over my shoulder and take you elsewhere," he informed me.

Rolling my eyes, I poured another cup. "Here," I pointed towards his coffee.

"Thank you, me lady," he accepted the cup.

We moved towards the terrace. On the table already were placed plates with berries, pie and avocado with bread. The August breeze played with my hair. My navy blue nightgown was short; goosebumps ran over my skin. The cozy sofa welcomed our figures. I sat beside Calvin, sipping on the coffee. Tasting the pie, the boy offered me some. From his fork, I took a bite, as he held it for me, chewing the sweet pie. Humming in response, he understood that I liked the taste, immediately biting down again.

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