Controlling His Inner Demons

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Chapter 30: Controlling His Inner Demons.


Greyson was gone fighting rogues.

My wolf had been begging to take full control until I finally gave in. We were eager to get back to our pack and mate, so at this point there was no stopping us. It wasn't until we saw a wondering old woman that we both knew we had to stop and help her. I wasn't going to leave an old lady in the middle of the woods.

Oh how wrong I was for believing as much.

I shifted and made myself decent before approaching her. A mop of white unfuly hair with black streaks is all I had seen before I went to chance. Once I walked out from behind the tree, I saw her walking in all different directions. It was as if the old woman couldn't see two feet in front of her.

She looked lost out of her mind making me feel pity for her. I called for her and she immediately turned towards me, squinting her eyes until she made me out. Her face then lit up as she clasped her hands together in joy.

"C-Come on and help me boy!" She hollers while practically hobbling towards me. I ran up to offer my arm as she smiles gratefully.

"Oh such a strong young man, and such strong arms!" She gushes as she smiled at me, her hands shaking.

"Ma'am are you-?"

"Oh call me Mali!" She says waving her free hand. My wolf let's the fact she interrupted us slide and I nod my head.

"Mali, you seem to be lost. Is there anyway I can assist you to where you're going?" I question and she frowns then her eyes light up.

"Oh, yes well I- I was looking for, oh what was his name? Oh yes, Alpha Anderson, that's his name! Yes that's his name, of course that's his name." She says muttering to herself and I laugh.

"Well Mali, you've found just the man you're looking for." I chuckle as a confused expression comes over her face and her head shakes from the effort it took her neck to support her own head.

"O-Oh you are Alpha Anderson?" She questions and I nod.

"Peh, good riddance." She yanks her arm from my own, putting her hands in front of her and lifts them up causing my body to go airborne.

"Why you little wench!" I snarl and her wrinkly face coils up as she narrows her eyes.

"Oh save it mutt, the moment something goes wrong you're suddenly not so nice now, are you?" Her voice was raspy and mocking as she kept her eyes on me while reaching into a pouch I didn't notice.

"I hope you and the Luna find this will be the cause of all your problems." Her voice was hard as she held purple dust in her hands, pausing for a few moments.

"Melanie and Payne will win." She whispers then looks into my eyes and blew the dust all over my face until I was suffocating.

I passed out only to wake up feeling angry at my mate for no reason. It wasn't until Valerie was gone that I started to come into my right mind. The powder made me do things I didn't wish to and cut communication off from my wolf and I temporarily.

Now when I see that witch I'm going to kill her.

Day after Valerie left

"You're a fucking idiot." Tyler says barging into my office.

I growl at the lack of respect but couldn't deny the fact I was an idiot.

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