Chapter 27

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I took a deep breath and let it out before I slowly nodded, knowing full well that my father wasn't going to let this go. "Melody said something that had caused Serenity to get a little worried about my wolf," I said. "Serenity is scared of seeing me again in wolf form."

My father looked at me and then towards the cove where Melody was at. He didn't say a word before he looked at me again. 'And she doesn't want to see you?' he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head no and stayed silent.

'What did she say?'

"She said that I had self-esteem issues that attacked females when I wasn't provoked," I replied. "She knows her mistake, Dad, and she has been trying to help ease Serenity's fears and say that I wouldn't do that."

My father narrowed his eyes. 'Do you?' he asked, and I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Do I what?" I asked.

'Attack females when you weren't provoked?"

I shook my head, no. "I do not," I said. "I don't attack anyone unless they hurt someone that I am close to or we're training."

My father nodded. 'Then why did she say that?' he asked and raised an eyebrow.

I didn't respond and shrugged, not knowing.

Dad slowly nodded and cleared his throat. 'I won't get involved, but I will be asking her why she decided to say that,' he said. 'She should have known that there is a chance you would come across her in wolf form.'

"She feels guilty about it," I said. "She's been trying to make it right."

'Hmph.' He nodded.

'Hey, where are you? Your mate is getting worried because you haven't shown up yet,' Bryson said. 'Did you get eaten by any big wolves?'

I rolled my eyes and scowled. 'No,' I replied. 'Dad's here. That's why I am not there yet.'

Bryson stayed silent, and I had a feeling that he narrowed his eyes. 'Does he need us back at the pack house?' he asked. 'And is he in wolf form?'

'Let me ask, and yes,' I replied. "Do you need us back at the packhouse, or why are you here?" I asked before I pointed at my head. "Bryson is wondering where we are at and what we need to do."

'Well, go on. Hop t-'

'Shut up,' I said, interrupting him while I watched my dad. 'I did. He is thinking.'

Bryson scoffed and rolled his eyes, but he didn't say a word while my father cocked his head and pondered my question. 'Fine,' he grumbled teasingly after a few minutes. 'Should I get the kiddies out?'

'I wanted to make sure that everything was alright with you all,' my father said, 'and to check on you, specifically.'

'He doesn't need us,' I said to Bryson and nodded, curious why he wanted to check on me but didn't question it. "Did you want to check on the others?"

My father nodded. 'Yes,' he said. 'Tell Bryson to warn your mate that I will be coming too.'

I nodded. 'Give her a heads up. Do something stupid but make sure not to do it super stupid,' I said.

'Then what do you want me to do?' Bryson asked while he mentally widened his eyes. 'Do you want me to do stupid or not stupid? There is no in between with me.'

I rolled my eyes and scowled, and my father raised an eyebrow and looked at me, amused. 'I don't know. Come up with something.' "Bryson is trying to come up with something so that he can act like he knew you were coming but not doing something stupid stupid," I said.

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