Subspace and Medkit

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!! Trigger warning - Blood !!


It was a normal day in crossroads, Demons walked around the place like usual.. Medkit was sat down on a bench, Until he felt off.. Like something, Or someone was watching him, But he knocked it off. He got up and decided to go back to Lost temple, Until he saw the last thing i wanted to see, Them. pink. eyes... Medkit turned around and saw Subspace, Subspace was grinning as he greeted Medkit..

Sub: " Hey Meddy! How are you? "

Med: " Dont call me that, What do you want..? "

Sub: " Oh nothing, Just seeing how you are! "

Med: " As if, You wouldn't be following me for no reason.. "

Sub: " Lets make this quick, you FOLLOW me now, as we must talk. "

Med: " Excus- "

Medkit suddenly got grabbed by the shoulder and dragged somewhere, An alley way to be exact.. He tried to get Subspaces grip off but failed, Subspace stopped when they got in the Alley way, Grinning at Medkit in a way that made him unsure.. 

Sub: " So, I need help testing a little, Experiment.. So i figured why not ask you? Hm 'friend'?~ "

Med: " Why would i help you, and no! Whatever it is i dont care. "

Sub: " Come on medkit, Dont be so rude to your own friendd.. "

Med: " What is the experiment anyway? "

Sub: " Just a vile of liquid i needed to test.. And your here so! "

Med: " Dont even try to- "

Subspace grabbed Medkit, Smiling before holding up a vile of red liquid, He forced the liquid in Medkit's mouth before forcing him to swallow.. Medkit coughed violently for a moment before Subspace then let go of Medkit.

Med: " Gah- What the fuck?! "

Sub: " Wasn't that hard now, was it Meddy? "

Med: " Dont call me that.. What was that?! "

Sub: " Just a potion i worked on.. Its ment to poison the victims for a couple days.. Tho it might not affect Silly supports like you.. "

Med: " What, You're also a support you idiot. "

Sub: " Whatever, Just go, I've done what i needed to do. "

Med: " No. "

Sub: " What? "

Med: " What did you give me. "

Sub: " Didn't i explane?? "

Med: " Tell me, or else. "

Sub: " Or else what, Hm?~ Dont forget about before, Meddy~ Wouldn't want to loose your other eye also, eh? "

Med: " Oh thats fucking it! "

Medkit Grabbed Subspace, Punching them right in the face, Making Subspace stumble back, Subspace's response to this was just a smirk, Subspace leaped at the Green demon as they both fell on the floor, Kicking and Punching eachother, By now, A group of random demons have been watching.. Some these being Sword and Boombox, Who were TRYING to get past the others but couldn't..

Subspace suddenly Pulled out a Fallen star, About to aim it at Medkit when Subspace got tackled to the floor by sword, who pinned him down. Boombox managed to pick up the green demon, or well just about, who by now had blood on his face from the phight, Once sword managed to get Subspace away, As in they ran, He soon met up with Boombox and Medkit..

Sword: " Bro, What happened? "

Med: " Not much, Just.. Subspace being him. "

Sword: " I dont get how you two used to work together.. "

Med: " We did, but we hated it. "

Boom: " Whats his problem with you, and your.. eyepatch. "

Med: " I can explain that later.. But for now can we please go back to swords apartment or something? "

Sword: " Alright, Lets go. "

Med: " Allright..  "

Medkit, Boombox and Sword began their way back to Swords Apartment in Lost Temples, While Subspace? Subspace went back to his Lab in Blackrock, Writing on a chalk board. " Mission Failed.. "....

Words : 650
Started : 8/8/2023
Finished : 8/8/2023

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