Subspace and Medkit

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It was a casual day, Random demons filled the streets of crossroads, Until two familiar demons see each other, It happened to be Medkit and Subspace, They Was not really in the best type of relationship, But still hung out sometimes, They was sat on a bench, discussing random things to eachother, Until One has an idea..

Sub: "Hm, Meddy! Why dont we go to a bar or something?"

Med: "A bar, really?"

Sub: "Yeah! Why not? It'd be fun! Just you and me."

Med: "..I guess i could, I dont have anything booked at the moment.."

Sub: "Ah perfect, Is 6pm a good time to meet up?"

Med: "Mh.. See you at 6."

Sub: "You too, bye Meddy Until later!!"

Subspace and Medkit waved their goodbyes to eachother, Before they both went off, To get ready for this, It was 4pm at the moment, Giving them a bit of time to get ready.. Medkit arrived at His apartment, Being greeted by Sword and Rocket on his couch, But he didnt bother them and just waved to Sword as he went to his room, Closing it.. He looked around his room for something to wear, He didnt want to be stuck in his casual outfit all day.. So he decided to wear a random Green shirt with Black pants with a belt, Tidying up his hair a bit, And making sure he looked okay for Tonight.. Meanwhile.

Subspace had just arrived at his Apartment in Blackrock, He quickly rushed in dropping whatever he had in his hands as he went to get ready, Deciding on a casual Pink and red shirt, With Baggy pants, Shorting his hair so it wouldn't be so in the way..  Putting a pink clip in his hair, Now looking in the mirror, He usally didnt care how he looked, But tonight felt, like something else was bound to happen..

-Time Skip to 5:10pm-

It was now 5:10pm, Subspace decided to go their a bit early, finding a table to sit at, Fiddling with his hands as he knew he'd have to wait a bit.. It was around 5:40pm til he heard the door open, In walked Hyperlaser.. Why the hell was he here? Whatever.. He wasn't going to let Hyper ruin this night, Soon Medkit walked in the bar, Spotting Subspace and walking to him, He sat down next to subspace and smiled a bit, Subspace grinned back as a response.

Sub: "Meddy! You made it!"

Med: "Yeah yeah.. Glad to see you to."

Sub: "I already ordered us some drinks so-"

Med: "Oh great.." He'd mutter,

Sub: "Oh come on.. Have a good time atleastt!!"

Med: "Fine.."

Soon the drinks arrived, Which was quite a lot, Thank god Subspace was paying for it... Medkit allready had enough issues with paying Medical bills after each Phight and so, They they just talked among themselfs while they drank.. It soon came to the point where Medkit was quite drunk, Where Subspace was still somewhat Sober, Giggling at medkit, Until Hyperlaser walked over to them..

Hyper: "Subspace? Why are you with, the traitor.."

Sub: "Oh pleasse! Thats nothing of your business Hyper! Now shoo!!"

Hyper: "I dont get you, Sub.."

Hyperlaser sighed, walking away from the two, not even bothering with Medkit, As much as he hated Blackrock itself, He still had to work for them. Subspace decided to take Medkit outside for a moment, He was quite drunk so he helped him, They went to a table outside.. Sitting down they stared at eachother.. There gazes met as Medkit went closer, Finally pushing him against the chair, as he began to make out with Subspace, Subspace didnt refuse this, and Also began to make out with Medkit, Not caring whoever saw them.. He liked this moment too much.. He wanted it to last... They made out for about 10 minutes before stopping, From a window inside the bar, Hyperlaser looked shocked at what he saw.. But he didnt dare to bring it up. Subspace then picked Medkit up, Paying for the drinks and walking away from the bar, Subspace got to his car in a small parking lot, Now putting Medkit on the seats behind the drivers seat, Before getting in his car and began to drive off.. It felt strange, But he loved this feeling. He soon arrived to his apartment, Now wondering how he'd get Medkit in without being caught, So he decided to just hide medkit under a blanket as he walked to his apartment, Once he got in he sighed, Locking the door and placing Medkit on the couch, By now, He was more awake and less drunk.. But still stuttered every once in a while, Which Subspace found Funny, They talked for a couple more hours, Laughing and sometimes kissing, Both of them would remeber this tomorrow, But most likely wouldn't bring it up.. Subspace sighed, as he sat against the couch, Holding Medkit close to him as he felt his eyes drop more, Soon falling asleep Next to Medkit, Medkit doing the same thing, and Soon they slept there on the couch...

In the morning, Hyperlaser walked in using a spare key he had, and saw them both on the couch.. He sighed as he went to the kitchen, Not bothering to wake them up.. 


Words: 866

Started: 19/8/23

Ended: 19/8/23

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