Medkit and Banhammer

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I like this ship way to much Omg, Sure Subkit is fine, But medhammer is cool. hehe.


Medkit kept having the same nightmares over and over again.. Every time he tried to close his eyes he would see them, them red crimson eyes staring right back at him.. He couldn't sleep so he got up from his bed, Walking out of the room and towards the kitchen.. It was around 2am now, So medkit decided to make himself something, He put the kettle on and let it boil, in the meantime making some cereal afterwards.. Once Medkit had made it, The kettle was done, And he made himself some Black coffee.. It was his favourite type of coffee, though people didn't get it.. Medkit walked over to the living room, Placing down the coffee and Cereal on the table infront of the couch, sitting down.. He turned the TV on to a random channel.. Hoping to drown out the noise that appeared every single night.. Until he heard his phone buzz.. Medkit looked up, Grabbing his phone for a moment, Until he saw a message from Banhammer.. He opened his phone and looked at the message..


✩BanHammer: "Medkit? Are you up right now?"

★Medkit: "Yeah? Do you need anything?"

✩BanHammer: "Why are you awake at 2:30am? Is something wrong?"

★Medkit: "Nothing is wrong, I swear."

✩BanHammer: "If you dont tell me, Im coming round to yours."

★Medkit: "Ban, Im fine, Alright?"

✩BanHammer: "Im coming round, Be there in 30 minutes."

                                                              -BanHammer has went offline-


Medkit sighed, He didnt think Banhammer would go round to his, So he just put the phone down and grabbed his Black Coffee, Drinking some of it.. Until he heard the door open, He got surprised by this a bit, Not thinking BanHammer would come round, So he had spilt some coffee on him, hissing in pain.. Until BanHammer came up to Medkit, now sitting down next to Him, Putting the coffee back on the table.

Ban: "Huh, You dont seem fine."

Med: "Oh shut up.."

Ban: "Is it the same nightmares? Or, Does it have to do with that stupid Blackrock Scientist again?"

Med: "Mhm.. Its about Subspace."

Ban: "Its fine, Alright? Im here now."

BanHammer grabbed hold of Medkits hands, They were cold to the touch, BanHammer looked at Medkit's eye, His hand gripping more as he took off his blindfold, showing his four eyes.. They stared eachother for atleast 10 minutes before BanHammer kissed Medkit softly on the lips, In response Medkit turned red.. Banhammer lifted Medkit onto his lap, On where they cuddled and chat to eachother for an hour until they both soon fell asleep.. The TV still going off, While They cuddled...

In the Morning, Medkit woke up to being on BanHammers lap, Marks along his neck from last night.. He blushed slightly as he got up, throwing a soft blanket on BanHammer before walking to the kitchen, Where he made himself some more coffee, Sitting down at the table as BanHammer came in, Sitting down next to his Lover as they chat quietly to eachother on random things.. Soon BanHammer had to go, He was a Warden of one of the Most Dangerous Prisons ever.. So Medkit and BanHammer both said their Goodbyes as Medkit watched Banhammer walk off, Medkit closed the door and sat back down,  Sighing.. Hoping to see him again soon.


Words: 552

Started: 16/8/23

Ended: 16/8/23

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