"Your late."

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Subspace x Hyperlaser.

Angst(slight) + Fluff


It was around 10pm, Hyperlaser had just killed his last target, By Now he was tired, He looked at his phone, slightly cracked, He realised how late it was.. Hyperlaser sighed as he got up, making sure the target was dead before dragging himself and his Rail gun all the way back to Blackrock.

Hyperlaser had agreed that he would meet Subspace at his lab around 9pm to talk about some things, But Hyperlaser was so focused on his job he forgot about it. He quickly entered, checking in before walking to the elevator, waiting for the slight ding of the elevator to say it was here, after he had gotten in, he pressed a button for the 5th floor, meanwhile, he looked at his arms, which by now were covered in small cuts and bruises,

The elevator stopped, Hyperlaser walked out, Walking through the hallway with bright white lights that always hurt his eyes, no matter what, He reached a lab with the sign ' Subspace. ', He pushed the door open to see a Annoyed Subspace glaring at him.

" Finally! where the hell were you?! " Subspace groaned, clearly not happy about how late Hyperlaser was. " Sorry, The target was being diff- " Before Hyperlaser finished his sentence, Subspace stood up, grabbing Hyperlasers arm before dragging him somewhere. Hyperlaser tried to shout in protest, but it didnt really work. Soon they got to Subspace's apartment, Which unlike others was much.. Better, Since he was seen as the ''Greatest'' scientist at Blackrock, Hyperlaser was quickly shoved on the couch before Subspace quickly walked away for a moment, before returning with a small first aid kit. "How do you even manage to hurt yourself so much?" Subspace asked, a genuine question. "What do you expect when its my job." Hyperlaser muttered, staying quiet the rest of the time Subspace was cleaning and bandaging the small cuts and bruises on his arms. "Take off your helmet, I need to make sure your face isnt hurt." Subspace said, which Hyperlaser laughed a little bit. "Oh you care, Huh?", Subspace rolled his eyes, smiling as he took off Hyperlaser's helmet, seeing soft strands of pure white hair cover parts of his face, quickly moving them out thr way, staring at Hyperlasers soft, dark blue eyes, getting slightly distracted. "You good, Sub-" Subspace snapped out of it, nodding quickly before checking for any damage on the man's face. Hyperlaser sighed, deciding to make the first move, Geabbing Subspace's head, and kissing kissing him, Subspace turned red, but didnt fight back, leaning into the kiss as he held onto Hyperlaser. This soon ended up as a make out session, Subspace being ontop if Hyperlaser, A wide grin on his face. "Who knew you coulc be so soft.." Subspace giggled, In which Hyperlaser rolled his eyes, kissing Subspace back.



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