S2: E7 Haunted

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"So, we have one guy still missing?" Bobby got out of the engine.

"Yes, it's horrible. Elisio and Stavros were preparing Mrs Mandechek's final resting place, and they just got sucked in." The man nodded to Bobby.

"Okay. Sir, can you tell me what happened down there?" Bobby walked over to the first victim on the gurney.

"Me and Stavros were...digging a plot...when we got pulled in. Like the grave was digging itself." Elisio looked at Bobby.

"A sinkhole. The quake shifted everything around down there. We're all basically walking around on eggshells and bubble wrap. See it?" Chimney glanced over.

"Could be worse. We could be walking on LEGOs." Griffin followed Chimney's torch.

"How long ago did this happen?" Bobby turned back to Elisio.

"I don't know. Half an hour, maybe?" Elisio looked between them all.

"Let's move, guys." Bobby looked at the 118.

They walked toward the plot they'd been digging, Bobby and Griffin gripped onto Bucks jacket stopping him from falling in.

"Easy. This whole side is like quicksand. I don't want you to fall in there and drag ten tons of loose soil on top of yourself and our friend down there." Bobby looked at the sinkhole.

"He's been breathing dirt for a half hour, Cap." Buck glanced at Bobby.

"Hey, miracles happen, right Chimney?" Griffin looked at Chimney and he shook his head amused.

"Eggshells and bubble wrap." Bobby glanced at Griffin.

"Air pockets." Eddie caught on to the two.

"Yeah, we just have to find out where they are." Bobby looked at Eddie in confirmation.

"W... Woah those aren't.." Buck watched the thermal device.

"Coffins and corpses. That's where the air pockets are." Bobby didn't spare Buck a look.

"That's messed up." Buck frowned at Griffin.

"What? I didn't do it." Griffin gave Buck a look.

"Oh, hello Stavros. Shovels and buckets. Let's go." Bobby found Stavros with the thermal scanner.

"Okay." Griffin headed back to the engine and they followed.

They were digging in the sinkhole to find Stavros, when the side gave way.

Hen had, had enough and got into the excavator as the others all climbed out of the sinkhole.
Hen did a majority of the digging with the excavator before they got in to dig the rest with their hands.

Griffin smiled relieved as they safely pulled Stavros out from the ground and he took a deep breath.

* The Next Morning *

"Okay! Carla should be here any minute to take you out for the day." Griffin looked at Eva and Mattie.

"I'll get it!" Mattie got to his feet, as the doorbell rang.

"If it isn't my favourite mini twins." Carla smiled down at Mattie as Eva walked over.

"How many mini twins do you know?" Eva laughed.

"More than you think." Carla hugged them both.

"Are you sure you're okay to look after them and Christopher?" Griffin gave Carla a hug.

"Of course. They're angels." Carla smiled at Griffin.

* On The Way To The Scene With Hen *

"Hen, you do realise we're not driving around in a mail truck here? We make life or death decisions for total strangers every single day. How is this any different?" Chimney glanced at Hen.

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