S2: E14 Broken

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"Okay, everybody. We are in tactical emergency mode. That means we will not be at the station today, we will be driving all around the district to make sure we are ready for anything that comes our way." Bobby led everyone over to the engine.

"Cap, you do realise we work here, right? We're trained professionals not fifth graders." Hen shook her head at him.

"Yeah." Buck smiled at Bobby amused.

"Sorry." Bobby couldn't help but smile at them.

"Hey, Cap, you ever seen a breakdown like this before?" Eddie glanced at him as they drove through the district.

"Once in St Paul. Blizzard took out the power grid around the call Centre and backup generator." Bobby turned to Eddie.

"I've been through like three of these. I'm surprised they don't happen more often, the way the city funds us, we're basically held together by chewing gum and spit." Hen looked at Bobby.

"Hey, come on. I like these old trucks." Buck defended the trucks.

"Uh, huh. I like them when they run." Eddie smiled as he spoke.

"Grif, you're being really quiet today, everything okay?" Bobby gave her a concerned expression.

"Didn't get much sleep last night, is all, Cap." Griffin reassured Bobby.

"Are you okay? Not having flashbacks.." Buck frowned at her.

"No, nothing like that. Just some problems with the neighbours." Griffin shook her head.

"Shouting and screaming again?" Bobby watched her.

"Yeah, kept the mini twins awake all night. Didn't send them to school, they're too tired, so they're with Chimney." Griffin nodded along.

"If you need a place to crash Grif, Karen, Denny and I will be more than happy." Hen reassured Griffin.

"Yeah, or mine." Bobby added onto Hen.

"I'm sure, Chris, would love to see you and the twins again." Eddie looked at Griffin.

"Thanks. All of you. But we're okay. I think it's not gonna happen again." Griffin chuckled at them amused.

"I'd offer my place but it's Maddie's. Though I'm sure she wouldn't mind you crashing there for a bit." Buck shrugged at her.

"You're all too sweet." Griffin smiled.

* On Scene *

"Where the hell have you guys been?" A man looked at them as they walked inside.

"We are fighting a system outage, sir. We apologise for the delay. Hen, you're up. Eddie start fluids." Bobby looked at the two.

"Woah, woah, woah. We can't just have the baby here in the lobby. That's not how this is supposed to happen." The man looked at Bobby in protest.

"Roger. This is pretty much the way this has happened throughout human history." The woman looked at Roger.

"Hi, I'm Hen. What's your name?" Hen smiled at the woman.

"Sonya. 39 weeks pregnant. 38 years old. Which makes me a geriatric pregnancy. God I hate that word." Sonya smiled in pain.

"Word doesn't matter, you're still gonna get a baby out of it." Bobby reassured Sonya.

"I can't believe I'm finally gonna meet him. Here. In the lobby." Sonya chuckled.

"That's all right. You're doing great, okay? Now, on this next contraction, we're gonna push, okay, Sonya? Sonya? Sonya." Hen frowned seeing her distant expression.

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