twenty two

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Time passed by quickly. Rosa was too focused in school to stress about her feelings for Luke, but whenever he would come and talk to her she felt her insides go wild. Whenever she saw Luke with Britney she would just feel sad and that sucked to be honest.

Rosa's sociology class was going on a trip to Los Angeles because their sociology teacher wanted them to have some fun before the exams and essays started for real. So Rosa had to pack her stuff and stress about what she should do with Max. 

She didn't even know if she could go to Los Angeles because Max couldn't be alone. She had the money though, because her father always sent them too much so that wasn't what she was stressing about.

Ashton was Rosa's last hope to get on the trip with her class. When she called him, he told her that it was no problem, Max could be with his family.  

Rosa still felt bad because she had asked Ashton for so much recently, but he had told Rosa that she didn't have to overthink it. Ashton also told her he liked hanging out with Max so that was nice.

"You ready for the trip?" Luke grinned, sitting down beside Rosa in the sociology class.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit worried for Max though. And I don't like making Ashton watch Max if he don't want to. He has a life himself." Rosa sighed. 

Luke just shook his head. 

"I'm sure Ashton won't care. He's your best friend, he likes Max and it's probably no problem for Ashton." Luke stated, patting Rosa's shoulder. 

Rosa looked up at Luke and gave him a smile. It was still a bit awkward between the two of them because it was obvious that they kind of had some feelings for each other and Rosa didn't know what to do about them.

"I was wondering.. Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?" Luke asked, head leaning on his table as he stared at Rosa. 

"You don't have to do that, Luke." Rosa sighed, but Luke nodded. 

"I want to though, please Rosa." Luke pouted and Rosa knew that she couldn't say no to him when he had that face.


"You have to be nice to Ashton, right?" Rosa asked Max. 

Luke was going to pick up Rosa and Max and after driving Max to Ashton they would drive to the airport. 

"Yeah, I'll be nice." Max grinned, seeming happy to spend time with Ashton. 

Rosa gave him a big hug before the two of them heard a knock on the door.

Luke was standing outside with a smile plastered on his face. His hair was down to the side and a bit messy. 

"Hi." he breathed out. 

The three of them walked to the car and Luke grabbed Rosa's suitcase even though she told him she could take it herself. He didn't listen though, but he never did. He was too stubborn.

The ride to Ashton was spent in silence, Max was listening to his iPod and Rosa and Luke were just staring out on the road. The ride didn't take too long and Rosa quickly hugged Max good bye and told him to be nice once again. Luke hugged him too before the two of them sat down in the car again.

Luke sighed, rubbing his eyes as he stared at Rosa. 

"I'm sorry, shouldn't I have asked you to drive with me today?" Luke mumbled.

Rosa just shrugged. 

"It's okay, it was nice of you." she smiled. 

Luke gave her a smile in return and coughed awkwardly. 

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