Chapter 51 - The Godfathers

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A few days later, Lovely receives a phone call from the godfathers of Constantine, who express their desire to see him at the holy mountain.

Lovely: Hello? Oh, it's you, my dear friends! How are you all doing?

Archi: Lovely, we're doing great! We've been discussing something important, and we would love for you and Constantine to join us at the holy mountain. It holds a special significance for our group, and we want to introduce Constantine to its spiritual energy.

Bonilou: Yes, Lovely, it's a place where we often go to reflect, seek clarity, and connect with our inner selves. We believe that bringing Constantine there will bestow him with blessings and positive energy.

Lovely: That sounds truly special. I would be honored to bring Constantine to the holy mountain and let him experience its magic. When do you suggest we go?

Darwin: How about next week? We can all gather there and spend some quality time together. It will be a chance for Constantine to bond with his godfathers and for all of us to strengthen our connection as a family.

Lovely: That sounds perfect. I'll make sure to prepare everything for our trip. I know Angelo would have been thrilled to join us as well.

Jess: Lovely, Angelo may not be physically with us, but his spirit will always be present. We will honor his memory during our time at the holy mountain and create new memories with Constantine.

Vincent: We're excited to see Constantine grow and flourish, just like his father did. This trip will be a beautiful chapter in his journey.

Lovely: Thank you all for thinking of Constantine and me. I can't wait for this meaningful experience. Let's make it a memorable and uplifting journey for our little Constantine.

Richard: Lovely, we're family, and we will always support you and Constantine. Together, we'll create a bright future filled with love and happiness.

Lovely: I couldn't ask for better godfathers for Constantine. See you all soon at the holy mountain.

Archi:See yah!

Constantine: Mom, who called us?

Lovely: Constantine, my dear, that was a phone call from some very special people. They are the godfathers of yours.

Constantine: Godfathers? Who are they, Mom?

Lovely: They are members of a group called The Seven Deadly Crimsons, and they were very close to your father, Angelo.

Constantine: Wow, that sounds interesting. What did they want?

Lovely: They invited us to visit the holy mountain together. It's a place that holds deep spiritual meaning for them, and they want us to experience its energy and blessings.

Constantine: That's amazing! I've heard stories about the holy mountain. It must be a very special place.

Lovely: It truly is, my dear. They believe that this trip will be significant for you, as it will allow you to connect with their wisdom and guidance.

Constantine: I would love to go, Mom. It's important to me to learn more about my father and the people who were important to him.

Lovely: I'm glad to hear that, Constantine. It will be a chance for you to deepen your understanding of your heritage and the values your father held dear.

Constantine: I'm excited to meet them and learn from their experiences. I want to make my father proud and continue his legacy.

Lovely: I have no doubt that you will, my dear. You have his strength, determination, and kind heart. This trip will be another step on your journey of growth and self-discovery.

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