Chapter 54 - The young Master

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Akihiko Shira Oni: Thank you all for coming. Today, we have an important matter to discuss regarding the future of our group. As you may know, we are facing new challenges and threats, and we need to adapt to stay ahead. I have called this meeting to present a potential opportunity for us to strengthen our ranks and achieve our goals.

Jacob, would you please introduce the members of the SGT 1st Generation one by one?

Jacob: Of course, Akihiko. Allow me to introduce the members of the SGT 1st Generation, our esteemed group of skilled individuals who have shown unwavering dedication and loyalty.

1. Hiroshi: Hiroshi is our tactical specialist, known for his strategic mind and precise execution in the field. He excels in analyzing situations and providing effective solutions.

2. Yumi: Yumi is our stealth and infiltration expert. Her agility and ability to blend seamlessly into any environment make her an invaluable asset for covert operations.

3. Takeshi: Takeshi is our weapons and explosives specialist. He possesses extensive knowledge of various firearms, explosives, and their effective use in combat scenarios.

4. Kaori: Kaori is our intelligence and surveillance expert. She is adept at gathering information, hacking systems, and providing us with valuable insights into our enemies' activities.

5. Ryu: Ryu is our hand-to-hand combat specialist. With his mastery of various martial arts techniques, he is a formidable fighter in close-quarters combat.

6. Megumi: Megumi is our medical support and field medic. She ensures the health and well-being of our members during missions, providing immediate medical attention when needed.

7. Satoshi: Satoshi is our technical expert, skilled in computer systems, hacking, and electronic warfare. He assists us in bypassing security systems and gaining access to valuable information.

8. Emi: Emi is our communication and coordination specialist. She ensures seamless communication between team members and coordinates our actions during missions.

These individuals have proven their capabilities time and again, and they are the backbone of our group. Together, we form a powerful force, ready to face any challenges that come our way.

Akihiko Shira Oni: Thank you, Jacob, for the introduction. As you can see, we have a strong and diverse team. Now, let's discuss our next steps and how we can utilize our strengths to achieve our objectives.

Hiroshi: Akihiko, I believe we can exploit Constantine's rage and impulsivity to our advantage. We can manipulate him into carrying out our missions without question. His emotional vulnerability can be a powerful tool in our hands.

Yumi: I agree. Constantine's impulsiveness can make him unpredictable, but we can use that to create chaos and confusion among our enemies. We can strategically plan our attacks and take advantage of the distractions he creates.

Takeshi: Constantine's strength and combat skills are undeniable. With proper guidance and manipulation, we can mold him into a fearsome weapon. We can train him to become even more lethal, serving our purposes and furthering our goals.

Kaori: Additionally, his connection to Lovely and the other members of The Seven Deadly Crimsons can be exploited. We can use his emotions and loyalty to manipulate him into betraying his own allies. Constantine's inner conflict can be turned against him and used to our advantage.

Ryu: Constantine's impulsiveness may make him reckless, but it also makes him susceptible to our psychological tactics. By pushing his buttons and triggering his rage, we can control his actions and direct him towards our desired targets.

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