Chapter 74 - Dark side of Constantine

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Constantine: Thank you all for coming. I wanted to gather everyone today because we need to discuss our next steps. As you all know, we recently suffered a great loss with the passing of Karyl. It has been a difficult time for all of us, but we must stay strong and united. Karyl would want us to continue our mission and fight for justice.

Lennon: Constantine, we're here for you. We understand how much Karyl meant to you, and we'll support you through this.

Hillarion: Absolutely. We're a team, and we're here to lift each other up. Whatever you need, Constantine, just say the word.

Keisha: Karyl's loss has affected all of us, but we can honor her memory by staying focused and determined. We have a responsibility to carry on her spirit and continue our fight against injustice.

Bea: Karyl was an important member of our team, and we'll miss her dearly. But we can't let our grief consume us. We must channel our emotions into our work and make her proud.

Constantine: Thank you, everyone. Your support means the world to me. We can't let our pain paralyze us. We must continue to stand up against those who seek to harm others and bring them to justice.

Rita: Karyl's memory will always be with us. Let's honor her by staying true to our cause and fighting for what's right.

Jaime: I agree. We owe it to Karyl to keep going, to keep making a difference in this world. Let's do it together, as a team.

Nathalie: We're here for you, Constantine. We're all grieving, but we can find strength in each other. Let's remember why we joined this fight and keep pushing forward.

Mhycaella: Karyl's loss is devastating, but we can turn our grief into motivation. Let's make sure her sacrifice was not in vain.

Raymond: We're the SGT, and we're a family. We'll support each other through the tough times and fight together for a better world.

Constantine: Thank you all for your words of encouragement. We will honor Karyl's memory by continuing our mission and bringing justice to those who deserve it. Let's stay focused, stay united, and make a difference. Together, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

The group nodded in agreement, their determination reignited as they remembered their purpose and the legacy they would carry on in Karyl's honor.

Constantine: Welcome, everyone. I'm glad to see the Big 6 here as well. We're facing challenging times, but I believe that together we can overcome anything. As you know, we've lost Karyl, a valued member of our team. Her absence weighs heavily on all of us, but we must stay strong and carry on with our mission. We owe it to Karyl and ourselves to continue fighting for justice.

Mark: It's been a tough blow, no doubt about it. Karyl was a remarkable person and a trusted friend. But we can't let our grief consume us. We need to channel our emotions into action.

Ryan: Constantine, we're with you. Karyl's loss has affected us all, but we won't let it break us. We'll honor her memory by fighting even harder.

Drake: Absolutely. Karyl believed in what we were doing. We can't let her sacrifice be in vain. Let's continue the work we started and make a difference.

Edi: It won't be easy, but we have each other. We're a team, and together we can face any challenge. Karyl would want us to stay focused and committed.

Johan: Karyl's spirit will always be with us. We'll carry her memory in our hearts as we move forward. Let's make her proud.

Jay: It's heartbreaking, but we can't let it break our spirit. We have a duty to keep fighting for justice and making this world a better place. Karyl would want us to persevere.

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