Chapter 72 - Memories

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Constantine stood in the gym, surrounded by the echo of his own heavy breathing. His fists collided with the punching bag in a rhythmic pattern, his anger and grief finding release with each strike. With every punch, memories of Karyl flooded his mind, bringing both pain and a sense of connection.

As the intensity of his movements increased, Constantine could almost feel Karyl's presence beside him. He imagined her encouraging him, her voice whispering words of strength and resilience. In his mind, they danced through the memories they shared, laughing and teasing each other like they used to.

Constantine held the delicate hairpin in his hands, his fingers tracing its intricate design. He looked up at Karyl, a mixture of sadness and gratitude in his eyes.

Constantine: Karyl... I can't take this from you. It's too precious.

Karyl smiled softly, her eyes filled with warmth and affection.

Karyl: I want you to have it, Constantine. Keep it as a reminder of our friendship and the bond we shared. Whenever you look at it, remember that I'll always be with you in spirit.

Tears welled up in Constantine's eyes as he nodded, understanding the significance of the gift.

Constantine: Thank you, Karyl. I'll treasure it always, just as I treasured our time together.

Karyl reached out and gently touched Constantine's cheek, a gentle gesture filled with tenderness.

Karyl: You have a strong heart, Constantine. Use it to continue fighting for what's right, to protect those who need it. I believe in you.

Constantine nodded, his voice filled with determination.

Constantine: I won't let your sacrifice be in vain, Karyl. I'll carry your memory with me and fight for justice, just as you would have wanted.

They embraced each other, finding solace in their shared grief and unwavering friendship. In that moment, the hairpin became a symbol of their bond, a reminder of the strength and love they had for each other.

As Constantine held the hairpin close to his heart, he made a silent promise to Karyl. He vowed to honor her memory, to carry her spirit with him, and to make a difference in the world. And with every step he took, the hairpin served as a reminder of the unwavering friendship and the courage they had shared.

Though Karyl was no longer physically present, her presence would forever be woven into the fabric of Constantine's journey. And as he faced the challenges ahead, he would draw strength from the memory of Karyl's unwavering belief in him, knowing that she would always be by his side, guiding him with love and warmth.

Hillarion: Lennon, I'm really worried about Constantine. Ever since Karyl's passing, he's been carrying so much pain and anger. I don't know how to help him.

Lennon nodded, his expression reflecting the same concern.

Lennon: I feel the same, Hillarion. Losing Karyl has taken a toll on him, and I can see how much he's struggling. We need to find a way to support him, to help him heal.

Hillarion sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

Hillarion: I wish there was something more we could do. But right now, he's in a dark place, and he needs time to process his grief. We can be there for him, listen to him when he wants to talk, and offer our support without judgment.

Lennon nodded again, his eyes filled with empathy.

Lennon: You're right, Hillarion. We need to be patient and understanding. It's important for him to know that we're here for him, no matter what. We can remind him of the strength he has within him and encourage him to seek help if he needs it.

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