Chapter 64 - Faith

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Archi gathered the SGT 3rd generation members and began to explain the significance of the sacred soul training and how it would aid them in their journey. He emphasized that the training was not just about physical strength, but also about developing their inner selves and unlocking their true potential.

Archi: My dear SGT 3rd generation, the sacred soul training is a transformative experience that will shape you into formidable warriors. It goes beyond mere physical training and delves into the depths of your spirit. Through this training, you will learn to harness your inner power and discover the true extent of your capabilities.

He went on to describe the various aspects of the training, which involved rigorous physical exercises, meditation, and spiritual practices.

Archi: During the training, you will undergo intense physical exercises to push your limits and strengthen your bodies. But remember, it is not just about physical prowess. We will also focus on meditation and mindfulness to quiet your minds and connect with your inner selves. This will help you develop clarity, focus, and control over your emotions.

He explained that through these practices, they would be able to tap into their hidden strengths, unlock their unique abilities, and forge a deep connection with their inner selves.

Archi: The sacred soul training will require dedication, discipline, and perseverance. You will be challenged both physically and mentally, but remember that this is where true growth happens. Embrace the process, trust in yourselves, and support one another. Together, we will emerge stronger and ready to face any obstacle that comes our way.

With his words resonating in their hearts, the members of the SGT 3rd generation prepared themselves mentally for the sacred soul training. They understood the importance of the journey they were about to embark on and the profound impact it would have on their lives as warriors.

Archi: Let us begin this journey together, united as one. The sacred soul training will test us, but it will also empower us. Embrace the challenges, embrace your true selves, and let your spirits soar. May the sacred soul training bring forth the warriors you are destined to become.

With renewed determination, the SGT 3rd generation members embraced the training ahead, knowing that it would mold them into the formidable force they were meant to be.

Kira took the lead in explaining the physical training regimen that the SGT 3rd generation would undergo. He emphasized the importance of building strength, endurance, and agility to prepare them for the challenges they would face.

Kira: Physical training is a crucial component of our journey. It will push your bodies to their limits, help you build resilience, and enhance your combat skills. We will focus on various aspects of physical fitness, including strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination.

He outlined the different exercises and techniques they would be practicing, incorporating a combination of martial arts, calisthenics, and functional training.

Kira: We will incorporate martial arts techniques to sharpen your combat skills and improve your reflexes. You will learn various strikes, kicks, blocks, and grappling moves. These techniques will not only make you formidable fighters but also enhance your overall physical fitness.

He emphasized the importance of conditioning and endurance training to build stamina and prepare them for long battles.

Kira: Endurance is crucial in our line of work. We will engage in cardio exercises, such as running, swimming, and high-intensity interval training, to improve your cardiovascular fitness. This will enable you to endure long missions and maintain optimal performance.

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