Chapter 77 - Coma

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In his office, Constantine is surrounded by memories of Karyl. He looks at the hairpin she gave him, the photographs they took together, and the notes they exchanged. Each item holds a special significance, a testament to the bond they once shared. As he gazes at these mementos, a flood of emotions overwhelms him.

Constantine: (whispers) Karyl... I wish you were still here. I miss you so much.

He closes his eyes, trying to recall their moments together.


Karyl: (laughing) Constantine, you always know how to make me smile.

Constantine: (smiling) That's because your smile brightens up everything around you.

Karyl: (blushing) Oh, stop it! You're just saying that.

Constantine: (softly) No, I mean it. You have a way of making even the darkest days seem a little brighter.

Karyl: (playfully) Well, I guess you're not so bad yourself.

They laugh together, the warmth of their friendship evident in their interactions.

End of flashback...

Constantine's heart aches as he remembers these cherished moments. The pain of losing Karyl is still raw and overwhelming. He knows that he has to stay strong for his friends and the SGT, but the weight of his grief threatens to consume him.

Constantine: (whispers) I'm sorry, Karyl. I couldn't protect you. I couldn't save you...

He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

Constantine: (firmly) But I promise you, I won't let your sacrifice be in vain. I'll make sure those responsible pay for what they did to you. I'll protect the ones I care about, no matter the cost.

Determined to honor Karyl's memory, Constantine wipes away his tears and composes himself. He gathers his resolve and heads back to join his friends, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. Though he may carry the weight of grief in his heart, he knows he must find strength to protect those he loves and seek justice for Karyl's untimely loss.

Ivan: Those fools think I'm done with them, HAHAHA.

VIP 1: The show is getting better and better.

The VIPs look at the camera as one member of the VIPs enters Constantine's office.

VIP 2: Is it going to be explosive?

VIP 3: It's taking too long!

Ivan: Calm down, my friends, the explosion is coming soon.

While everyone was busy, a mysterious man entered Constantine's office.

Keisha: Excuse me, what are you doing here?

VIP: I'm looking for Constantine.

Keisha: And why is that? Show yourself.

As the mysterious man turned to face Keisha, she got nervous and screamed loudly.


The mysterious man shot Keisha with a tranquilizer, causing her to collapse.

Since the commotion inside Constantine's office was not heard, the Big 6, WIF'S, and SGT 3rd generation quickly went to the scene.

Mark: What's going on?

Jay: Is there an intruder?

Johan: Find him quickly!

Drake: Someone got in?!

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