Chapter 62 - Members

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Ellaine: Hello, Archi and Kira. I'm Ellaine, the elite weapon supplier of the SGT 3rd generation. I specialize in providing the team with top-of-the-line weapons and equipment for our missions. It's an honor to meet you both.

Lester: Greetings, Archi and Kira. I'm Lester, the advisor of the SGT 3rd generation. I offer strategic guidance and support to ensure our operations run smoothly. I'm here to assist in any way I can.

Daniel: Hey there, Archi and Kira. I'm Daniel, the first platoon leader of the SGT 3rd generation. I lead our team in combat, coordinating our actions and making tactical decisions to achieve our objectives.

Zack: Howdy, Archi and Kira. I'm Zack, the vice leader of the SGT 3rd generation. I support Daniel in leading the first platoon, assisting with planning and execution. Together, we aim to be a formidable force.

Jin: Greetings, Archi and Kira. I'm Jin, the second platoon leader of the SGT 3rd generation. I lead our second platoon in missions and ensure our team operates efficiently and effectively.

Tracey: Hi there, Archi and Kira. I'm Tracey, the vice leader of the SGT 3rd generation's second platoon. I work closely with Jin, providing support and backup as needed to achieve our goals.

V-jhay: Hey, Archi and Kira. I'm V-jhay, the third platoon leader of the SGT 3rd generation. I oversee the operations of our third platoon, focusing on stealth and reconnaissance.

Jimmuel: Greetings, Archi and Kira. I'm Jimmuel, the vice leader of the SGT 3rd generation's third platoon. I assist V-jhay in leading our team, ensuring we operate covertly and accomplish our objectives.

Archi: It's wonderful to meet all of you, members of the SGT 3rd generation. Your skills and dedication are impressive, and I have no doubt that together we will achieve great things. Kira and I will guide you in your training and support you in becoming an even stronger force for justice. Welcome to the team.

Kira: Lester, may I ask why you decided to join the SGT and become a part of the 3rd generation?

Lester: Of course, Kira. The main reason I joined the SGT and became a part of the 3rd generation is because Constantine is my best friend. We've known each other for years, and I've seen firsthand the passion and determination he has to make a positive difference in the world.

When Constantine approached me about joining the SGT, I couldn't turn down the opportunity to support him and work alongside him. We share a strong bond, and I believe in his leadership and vision for the team. I wanted to be there for him and contribute my skills and knowledge to our shared cause.

Furthermore, the SGT's mission aligns with my own values of justice and protecting those in need. Being a part of this group allows me to use my strategic thinking and expertise to assist in planning and executing successful operations.

So, in short, my decision to join the SGT and the 3rd generation is rooted in my friendship with Constantine and my desire to make a positive impact in the world alongside him and the rest of our team.

Kira: Ellaine, could you share with us why you chose to join the SGT and be a part of the 3rd generation?

Ellaine: Certainly, Kira. There were a few reasons that led me to join the SGT and become a part of this new generation. First and foremost, I have always had a strong sense of duty and a desire to protect others. The SGT's mission aligns perfectly with that drive, as we strive to bring justice and security to those who need it.

Additionally, I was inspired by Constantine's leadership and his vision for the team. He has a unique ability to bring people together and motivate them to make a difference. I wanted to be a part of a group that had a clear purpose and a strong bond, and the SGT offered that opportunity.

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