Chapter 58 - Calamity

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The atmosphere in the house was filled with warmth and laughter as Li, Lovely, Constantine, and his friends gathered together, enjoying each other's company.

Li, with her infectious energy, started a playful conversation with everyone.

Li: Hey, guys! How about we play a game? I'll start! If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Lovely chuckled, playing along.

Lovely: Oh, that's a tough one, Li. But I think I'd choose the ability to fly. Imagine soaring through the sky with the wind in your hair!

Constantine joined in, thinking of his own superpower choice.

Constantine: I'd go for super strength! Just think of all the things you could lift and the battles you could win!

Kira chimed in, adding her own preference.

Kira: I'd love to have the power of telekinesis. Moving objects with my mind would make life so much easier!

The others took turns sharing their desired superpowers, with Keisha opting for invisibility, Hillarion choosing the ability to manipulate time, Lennon wishing for mind-reading abilities, and Bea expressing her desire for healing powers.

As the conversation continued, they also reminisced about their past adventures and shared funny anecdotes, creating a joyous atmosphere that filled the room.

Li looked around with a wide smile, grateful for the family and friends gathered together.

Li: You know what? We may not have superpowers, but we're a pretty amazing team. We've been through so much together, and I wouldn't trade any of you for the world.

Lovely nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with love and pride.

Lovely: Absolutely, Li. We've faced challenges, but we've also created unforgettable memories. Together, we are stronger and capable of accomplishing great things.

Constantine raised his glass in a toast, a glimmer of determination in his eyes.

Constantine: To family and friends, and to the adventures that lie ahead. Let's continue supporting each other, facing whatever comes our way with courage and unity!

They all clinked their glasses together, sharing a moment of connection and solidarity. In that simple yet profound gathering, they found solace, strength, and the affirmation that they were never alone in their journey.

And so, they laughed, shared stories, and celebrated the bond they had built, cherishing the precious moments of joy that life had gifted them.

Startled by the loud noise coming from Karyl's room, everyone quickly rushed to investigate the source of the disturbance. Worried expressions replaced their previous joyous ones as they reached the door.

Constantine, being the closest, cautiously opened the door, revealing a scene of chaos. Karyl's room was in disarray, with furniture overturned and shattered glass scattered across the floor.

Constantine: Karyl, what happened? Are you alright?

He discovered a note left behind by the notorious Death Chasers. Constantine unfolded the note, his expression turning grim as he read its contents. The others gathered around, concern etched on their faces.

Note: We have taken what is rightfully ours. If you want to see Karyl again, bring us the Forbidden Ring to the abandoned warehouse at midnight. Failure to comply will result in dire consequences.

As everyone rushed into Karyl's room, they found it empty, except for the lingering sense of chaos. Constantine held the note tightly in his hand and relayed its contents to the concerned group.

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