Chapter 69 - Confession

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As Ivan and his VIPs gather to plan their move against Constantine, they discuss their strategy and potential weaknesses to exploit. They analyze Constantine's leadership style, strengths, and the dynamics within the SGT. Ivan takes charge of the meeting, outlining their objectives.

Ivan: Alright, everyone, let's focus. We have a golden opportunity to strike at Constantine and weaken the SGT. We know they have been a thorn in our side for far too long. It's time to take them down a peg.

VIP 1: What's our plan, Ivan? How do we target Constantine effectively?

Ivan: First, we need to exploit his emotional attachments. We know he cares deeply for his friends, especially Karyl. Let's find a way to exploit that weakness and create division within their ranks.

VIP 2: Agreed. We need to sow doubt and mistrust among them. If we can break their unity, it will weaken their overall strength.

Ivan: Exactly. We'll start by gathering intel on their relationships and vulnerabilities. Once we have enough ammunition, we can strategically strike and create chaos within their group.

VIP 3: What about their training and combat skills? Constantine is known for his resilience and strategic thinking.

Ivan: True, but no one is invincible. We need to identify their weaknesses and exploit them. Let's gather information on their individual strengths and weaknesses, and use that knowledge to our advantage.

VIP 4: Should we consider recruiting more members to our cause? The more allies we have, the better our chances.

Ivan: It's worth considering. We'll need to find individuals who are willing to betray the SGT and join our ranks. Loyalty can be bought or broken, after all.

The VIPs continue to discuss their plans, strategizing how to dismantle Constantine's leadership and weaken the SGT. Their determination is fueled by their desire to bring Constantine down and reclaim their power and influence. They meticulously plan their moves, knowing that the battle ahead will not be easy, but they are determined to succeed.

As the VIPs continue their conversation, their underestimation of Constantine and his group becomes evident. They belittle their abilities and achievements, expressing their doubts and dismissing their potential.

VIP 1: Come on, let's be real here. Constantine and his so-called "SGT" are nothing more than a group of amateurs. They got lucky a few times, that's all.

VIP 2: Exactly. They're just a bunch of kids playing hero. They don't have the experience or the skills to pose a real threat to us.

VIP 3: I heard their training was a joke. They can't possibly match the level of training and expertise that we have in the VIPs.

VIP 4: And let's not forget that Constantine is just a kid. He doesn't have the leadership or strategic thinking required to take on someone like Ivan.

Their derogatory comments and dismissive attitudes reveal their arrogance and ignorance. They fail to acknowledge the dedication, growth, and accomplishments of Constantine and his group. Little do they know, Constantine and the SGT have overcome numerous challenges and have proven themselves capable time and again.

However, Constantine's group remains undeterred by the negativity and criticism. They are focused on their mission and driven by their determination to make a difference. They understand the importance of teamwork and trust in one another's abilities. Despite the underestimation from the VIPs, they are ready to face any challenge that comes their way and prove their worth.

Time will tell if the VIPs' underestimation of Constantine and his group will be their downfall or if they will be forced to reconsider their dismissive attitudes in the face of unexpected strength and resilience.

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