Chapter 75 - Delusion

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Akihiko: Ivan, my friend, it seems like your plan to explode Constantine's office had quite an impact. Tell us, how is Constantine doing after that?

Ivan: Ah, Akihiko, Dominic, Kyle, good to see you. Constantine is certainly shaken by the incident. He's been through a lot of trauma, both physically and emotionally. The explosion took a toll on him, but it's exactly what I wanted. I wanted to break him, to weaken him, to make him feel vulnerable and lost.

Dominic: Ivan, this seems like a dangerous game you're playing. Constantine is not someone to be taken lightly, even in his vulnerable state.

Kyle: Yeah, Ivan. Underestimating him could be a grave mistake. He's proven time and again that he's a force to be reckoned with.

Ivan: Oh, I am well aware of Constantine's capabilities. That's why I orchestrated this event. I want him to be consumed by anger and revenge, to lose himself in his quest for vengeance. It will make it easier for us to take him down once and for all.

Akihiko: Ivan, remember that we are not invincible either. Constantine is surrounded by loyal friends and allies who will fight tooth and nail to protect him. We must tread carefully.

Ivan: Don't worry, my friends. I have a plan. We will exploit Constantine's vulnerabilities, his pain, and his rage. We will use his dark side against him, pushing him further towards his own destruction.

Dominic: Ivan, revenge can be a dangerous path. We should consider the consequences of our actions.

Ivan: Consequences be damned, Dominic. Constantine has caused us enough trouble. It's time to put an end to him and his group. With Constantine broken and consumed by darkness, victory will be within our grasp.

Kyle: Just be careful, Ivan. Constantine may be down, but he's far from out. Let's not underestimate him or the bond he shares with his allies.

As the conversation continues, Ivan remains determined, believing that he has the upper hand. However, his companions are cautious, aware of the risks involved in underestimating Constantine and his resilient spirit. The battle between The Seven Deadly Crimsons of SGT and the VIPs intensifies, each side pushing forward with their own agenda and determination to come out on top.

As Constantine gazes at the stars, memories of Karyl flood his mind. The twinkling lights above seem to mirror the sparkle in her eyes as he recalls a poignant conversation they once shared. It was a moment of tenderness and friendship that forever etched itself into his heart.

Karyl: Constantine, I have something for you.

Constantine: What is it, Karyl?

Karyl reaches into her pocket and pulls out a delicate hairpin, adorned with intricate designs and a small, shimmering crystal at its center.

Karyl: I want you to have this. It's a gift from me to you.

Constantine takes the hairpin, his fingers delicately tracing its intricate patterns.

Constantine: Thank you, Karyl. It's beautiful. But why are you giving this to me?

Karyl smiles warmly, her eyes filled with sincerity.

Karyl: This hairpin has been passed down in my family for generations. It's said to bring luck, protection, and a reminder of the bonds we hold dear. I want you to have it because you're my friend, Constantine. You've always been there for me, and I want you to carry a piece of that friendship with you.

Constantine's eyes well up with gratitude as he embraces Karyl.

Constantine: Thank you, Karyl. I will cherish this always. And know that our friendship means the world to me too.

My Ordinary Life (Phase 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora