Chapter 67 - The first mission

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Constantine: Bea, have you managed to gather any information about the Death Chasers?

Bea: Yes, Constantine. I've been digging into their activities and connections. It seems that they have been expanding their operations and recruiting new members. Their main stronghold is located in an underground facility in Makati City, but they also have smaller bases scattered throughout the city.

Constantine: Good work, Bea. Do we have any leads on their leadership or any specific individuals we should be targeting?

Bea: It's a bit tricky, but I've managed to uncover some information. Dominic is the current leader of the Death Chasers, and he seems to be the one orchestrating their drug operations. He's known for his cunning and ruthlessness. There are also other key members within the organization, but their identities and roles are still somewhat elusive.

Constantine: We'll need to gather more intel on their activities and their plans. We can't let their drugs spread any further or endanger innocent lives. Keep digging, Bea, and let me know if you find anything significant.

Bea: Will do, Constantine. I'll continue to monitor their movements and gather as much information as I can. We'll bring them down and put an end to their dangerous operations.

Constantine: I trust in your skills, Bea. Keep me updated, and let's stay one step ahead of the Death Chasers. Our mission is to protect the innocent and ensure justice prevails.

Bea: You can count on me, Constantine. We won't let them escape the grasp of The Seven Deadly Crimsons of SGT. Together, we'll bring them down and make sure they face the consequences of their actions.

Hillarion: Hey, Bea. How are things going? Are you managing okay with all the research and investigation?

Bea: Hey, Hillarion. Thanks for asking. It's been quite intense, but I'm doing alright. Gathering information on the Death Chasers is challenging, but we're making progress. Constantine wants to put an end to their dangerous activities, and I'm determined to support him in any way I can.

Hillarion: That's good to hear. I know it can be tough digging into the dark underbelly of these organizations. Just remember to take breaks and take care of yourself too. We're a team, and we're here to support each other.

Bea: I appreciate your concern, Hillarion. It can get overwhelming at times, but knowing that we're all in this together keeps me motivated. We'll make sure justice prevails and put an end to their reign of terror.

Hillarion: Absolutely. We've faced challenges before, and we've come out stronger. We'll do the same this time. If you ever need someone to talk to or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here for you.

Bea: Thank you, Hillarion. I'll keep that in mind. And likewise, if you ever need any help or support, I'm here for you too. Let's stay focused and bring down the Death Chasers together.

Hillarion: Definitely, Bea. Together, we're a force to be reckoned with. Let's show them what The Seven Deadly Crimsons of SGT is capable of. We won't let them escape justice.

Bea: Agreed, Hillarion. Let's make them regret the day they crossed paths with us. We're going to make a difference and protect those who can't protect themselves.

Hillarion: That's the spirit, Bea. We've got this.

Karyl: Hey, Constantine. Is everything okay? You seem deep in thought.

Constantine: Oh, hey, Karyl. Yeah, I'm alright. Just watching Hillarion and Bea over there. They make a great team, you know? I can't help but feel a twinge of envy.

Karyl: Envy? Why would you feel that way?

Constantine: Well, they have this incredible bond, always looking out for each other and supporting one another. I guess I just wish I had someone like that, someone who understands me completely and is always there by my side.

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