Chapter 70 - Explosion!

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Ivan gathered the VIP members and shared a crucial piece of information with them. He revealed that they had a spy within Constantine's group, and it turned out to be Andrew.

Ivan: Listen up, everyone. We have a valuable asset within Constantine's group, feeding us information. And that person is none other than Andrew.

The VIP members exchanged glances, their expressions filled with surprise and intrigue.

VIP Member 1: Andrew? Are you sure? He seems pretty loyal to Constantine.

Ivan smirked, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes.

Ivan: Appearances can be deceiving, my friends. Andrew may seem loyal, but he has his own agenda. He's been relaying valuable information to us, giving us an advantage over Constantine.

VIP Member 2: That's brilliant! With Andrew on our side, we can anticipate their moves and counter them effectively.

Ivan nodded, his voice filled with confidence.

Ivan: Exactly. We'll use this to our advantage and strike when they least expect it. This spy will provide us with the necessary information to dismantle their plans.

The VIP members exchanged knowing glances, energized by the newfound advantage they had gained. They were eager to exploit this opportunity and bring Constantine and his group to their knees.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, Constantine and Karyl continued their conversation on the rooftop, blissfully unaware of the betrayal brewing within their midst. Little did they know that the spy within their group would play a pivotal role in the challenges they were about to face. The stage was set for a battle of wits and loyalty, where trust would be tested, and alliances would be shattered.

The other VIP members expressed their disagreement with Ivan's decision to have a spy within Constantine's group.

VIP Member 3: Ivan, are you sure it's necessary to have a spy on such a weak group? They're no match for us.

VIP Member 4: I agree. Constantine and his team are nothing more than a nuisance. We can easily crush them without the need for a spy.

Ivan frowned, slightly taken aback by their lack of understanding.

Ivan: You underestimate them. Constantine may appear weak, but he has proven to be resourceful and unpredictable. We cannot afford to overlook any potential threats.

VIP Member 5: But Ivan, this spy could be a liability. What if they get caught? It could compromise our entire operation.

Ivan remained steadfast in his decision, unwilling to back down.

Ivan: I understand the risks involved, but the rewards outweigh them. Having a spy within their ranks will provide us with invaluable information. We need to know their every move, their strengths, and their weaknesses.

VIP Member 6: Well, if you're so confident, Ivan, then go ahead with your spy. But don't say we didn't warn you.

The other VIP members grumbled in discontent but ultimately relented, recognizing Ivan's determination. They understood that his decision was driven by a desire to ensure their victory over Constantine's group.

Ivan, unfazed by their skepticism, continued to formulate his plans, confident that the spy would prove to be a crucial asset in their mission to take down Constantine and his team. The stage was set for a battle of wits and strategies, with the presence of a spy adding an extra layer of complexity to the impending conflict.

Constantine was surprised to find Andrew in his office, but his surprise quickly turned into amusement as Andrew explained his reason for being there. They shared a laugh, their camaraderie evident in their interaction.

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