Chapter 71 - "I will always by your side"

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Constantine stood in front of Karyl's night vigil, his heart heavy with grief and anger. Tears streamed down his face as he cursed the names of those who had caused Karyl's untimely demise. His voice trembled with a mixture of sorrow and determination.

Constantine: Karyl, I'm so sorry... I couldn't protect you. I swear, I won't rest until I find those responsible for this senseless act. The Workers, The Storm Company, the VIP's, Death Chasers, Dark Force, Black Eagles, and SGT 1st Generation... I will make them pay for what they've done.

He knelt down, placing a bouquet of flowers by Karyl's photo, his hands trembling with a mix of grief and rage. He vowed to seek up justice for her, to bring those who had taken her away to face the consequences of their actions.

Constantine: I promise, Karyl, I won't let your sacrifice be in vain. I will uncover the truth, expose the ones responsible, and make sure they pay for the pain they've caused. You deserved so much better, and I won't stop until I find justice for you.

As Constantine sat there in silence, memories of Karyl flooded his mind. He remembered her laughter, her kindness, and the light she brought into his life. He knew he had to honor her memory by continuing the fight against the forces that had taken her away.

Standing up, Constantine wiped away his tears, his resolve hardened.

Constantine: I will gather my allies, my friends, and we will stand against them. We will bring them down, one by one. No more innocent lives will be lost. This is my promise to you, Karyl. Rest in peace.

With a heavy heart but a renewed determination, Constantine stood tall, ready to face the challenges ahead. The path to justice would be treacherous, but he was fueled by his love for Karyl and his unwavering commitment to ensure that her death would not be in vain.

Surprised by their sudden appearance, Constantine looked up at Owen and Ella, his eyes still filled with tears. He listened attentively as they spoke, their words bringing a mix of comfort and sorrow to his heart.

Owen: Are you Constantine?

Constantine: Yes...

Ella: Oh we want you to know that Karyl always spoke highly of you. She admired your strength, your kindness, and the way you always protected those you cared about. She saw something special in you. You brought joy and light into her life, and she cherished the moments she spent with you.

Lovely, Li, Lennon, Hillarion, and Kira watched as Constantine's tears flowed freely, their hearts heavy with empathy for his pain. They approached him, surrounding him with their presence and offering comfort in their own silent ways.

Lovely: Constantine, it's okay to grieve. Let it out, let your emotions flow. We're here for you.

Li: You don't have to face this alone, Constantine. Lean on us, lean on our support.

Lennon: We're a family, Constantine. We're here to lift each other up during the toughest of times.

Hillarion: Crying doesn't make you weak, Constantine. It shows that you loved deeply and that Karyl's loss has deeply affected you.

Kira: Take all the time you need, Constantine. We understand the pain you're going through.

Constantine's sobs echoed through the room, his emotions overflowing as he allowed himself to fully mourn the loss of Karyl. His friends and family stood by him, offering their presence as a comforting embrace.

Lovely gently placed a hand on Constantine's back, offering a soothing gesture. Li held his hand tightly, reminding him that he was not alone. Lennon and Hillarion stood beside him, their presence providing strength. Kira rested a hand on his shoulder, silently conveying her support.

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