Chapter 68 - The VIP's

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Ivan: Hahaha, have you seen Constantine? That kid thinks he can challenge us. It's laughable, really.

VIP Member 1: Yeah, I don't understand what he's so confident about. He's just a kid playing hero.

VIP Member 2: Exactly. We've dealt with much more powerful opponents than him. He's nothing compared to us.

Ivan: It's amusing how he parades around with his little group, thinking they can take us down. They're in for a rude awakening.

VIP Member 1: I heard he's been gathering allies from different factions. But that won't make a difference. Our power and influence far surpass anything he can muster.

VIP Member 2: And let's not forget our secret weapon, the Titans. They'll crush him and his team without breaking a sweat.

Ivan: We'll show Constantine and his little band of misfits what true power looks like. They won't stand a chance against us. Let them underestimate us. It will only make their defeat more satisfying.

VIP Member 1: It's going to be so satisfying to see the look on Constantine's face when he realizes the futility of his efforts.

VIP Member 2: We'll put an end to his grandiose dreams and show him that he's nothing more than a naive child playing pretend.

Ivan: Prepare yourselves, my friends. The showdown with Constantine and his Seven Deadly Crimsons of SGT is inevitable. And when the time comes, we'll crush them once and for all.

VIP Member 3: Constantine thinks he's some kind of hero, but he's just a deluded fool. He's in way over his head.

VIP Member 4: Absolutely. His little group of misfits doesn't stand a chance against us. We're the true powerhouses here.

VIP Member 5: I've heard rumors that Constantine is gathering allies from different factions. But what good will that do? They're just a bunch of weaklings trying to make themselves relevant.

VIP Member 6: It's laughable how he parades around as a leader. He's nothing more than a puppet, and his strings are about to be cut.

VIP Member 3: And let's not forget his so-called "skills." I've seen better fighters in my sleep. He's all talk and no action.

VIP Member 4: It's going to be so satisfying to watch their pathetic attempts to take us down. I can already picture the look of defeat on Constantine's face.

VIP Member 5: They think they can challenge us? They're in for a rude awakening. We'll make an example out of them and show everyone who the real power players are.

VIP Member 6: Constantine and his Seven Deadly Crimsons of SGT are nothing more than a joke. They'll be crushed under our heel without breaking a sweat.

VIP Member 3: Let them underestimate us. It will only make their defeat more humiliating. They'll regret ever crossing paths with us.

VIP Member 4: The end is near for Constantine and his pitiful group. We'll make sure they never dare to challenge us again.

VIP Member 5: Prepare for their demise, my friends. The downfall of Constantine and his Seven Deadly Crimsons of SGT is inevitable. We'll be the ones left standing tall.

Constantine: Hey guys, can I talk to you for a moment?

Mark: Sure, what's up?

Constantine: I wanted to let you know that you all have proven yourselves to be valuable members of SGT. Your dedication and skills have not gone unnoticed.

Ryan: Thanks, Constantine. We've been training hard and giving it our all.

Constantine: And that's exactly why I want to promote you to the rank of the "Big 6" within SGT. You'll have more responsibilities and be involved in the decision-making process.

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