Chapter 53 - The next generation

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Archi begins by emphasizing the importance of trust and loyalty within the organization. He explains that the members of The Seven Deadly Crimsons are not simply chosen based on their skills or abilities, but rather on their character and dedication to the cause. Archi believes that the strength of the group lies in the unity and unwavering support they provide to one another.

Constantine: Archi, I have been thinking about how we can recruit new members for The Seven Deadly Crimsons. We need skilled individuals who are dedicated to our cause. How should we go about finding and selecting them?

Archi: Constantine, my boy, I've been observing your friends closely during our time together. They have proven their loyalty, courage, and abilities. In my eyes, they are more than just friends; they have the potential to become the next generation of The Seven Deadly Crimsons.

Constantine: You mean... my friends could be a part of the group?

Archi: Exactly. The Seven Deadly Crimsons have always been a family, built on trust and shared purpose. Your friends have shown remarkable qualities that align with our values. They possess the necessary skills and determination to carry on our legacy.

Constantine: That's incredible! I couldn't ask for better companions. But how do we approach them and invite them into the group?

Archi: We must approach them with sincerity and honesty. Explain to them the nature of our organization, its goals, and the challenges we face. Let them understand the gravity of the responsibilities they would undertake. Then, give them the choice to join us willingly, without coercion or pressure.

Constantine: I will do just that, Archi. I trust my friends, and I believe they will see the importance of our cause. Together, we can become a formidable force, fighting for justice and protecting those in need.

Archi: That's the spirit, Constantine. Lead by example and inspire them with your vision. Remember, The Seven Deadly Crimsons is not just about power; it's about using that power to create a better world.

Constantine: I will make you proud, Archi. We will build a strong and united group, with my friends standing beside me as the next generation of The Seven Deadly Crimsons. Together, we will continue the legacy and uphold the values that define us.

Archi: I have no doubt about it, my boy. The future of The Seven Deadly Crimsons is in good hands with you and your friends.

Archi: (addressing Kira, Lennon, Hillarion, Bea, Karyl, and Keisha) My dear friends, I have gathered you all here today because I have a proposition that I believe will greatly benefit both you and Constantine. As you may know, Constantine has been entrusted with the leadership of the Seven Deadly Crimsons, and we believe that your unique skills and qualities would make you invaluable members of this esteemed organization.

Kira: (surprised) Are you serious, Archi? You're inviting us to join the Seven Deadly Crimsons?

Archi: Absolutely, Kira. Each one of you has proven your worth time and again, demonstrating your unwavering loyalty, bravery, and determination. These qualities align perfectly with the ideals and goals of the Seven Deadly Crimsons. Constantine needs a strong and trusted team by his side, and who better than all of you?

Lennon: (grinning) This is unexpected, but I'm honored to be considered for such a role. It's a great responsibility.

Hillarion: (nodding) Indeed, it's a chance to make a real difference and stand alongside Constantine in our fight for justice.

Bea: (excited) Count me in! I've always admired the Seven Deadly Crimsons, and if Constantine is leading, I have complete faith in our success.

Karyl: (thoughtful) It's a big decision, but I've seen Constantine's determination firsthand. If he believes in us, then I'm ready to give it my all.

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