Chapter 30

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As they got walking again nobody could still quite place what Jacob had in mind for them and no suggestions were floating around in case of spoilers. There was however a silent excitement in the air as everybody was quite positive about their soon to be living scenario. Jacob turned to face everyone as they'd reached a point where it has become obvious where they were going. "Alright people of the Wall. We're only like 5 something minutes away from our destination and I'd like to finally reveal to you all where we going!" Jacob announced as he pointed to the distance. "We're headed for the high school, wanna know why? Well, for a while now I've had a set of plans in my mind for how we could defend this place and I think I've finally nailed it." Jacob revealed as everyone gasped. There were mutters of 'he can't be serious.' 'This is crazy!' And 'oh hey a penny.' Once pennies were picked up and heads were wrapped around the concept everyone was crazy for the idea of defending a school. As they walked to the gated Connor walked up to Jacob. "I feel like Payton is the kinda person to die to a bullet." Connor tells him and Jacob chuckles. "You want us all to believe she died to a bullet?" He asked and Connor nods. "Yeah, from now on I'm just gonna assume she got shot and died." He said and Jacob shakes his head. "You're weird."

People were practically running to the gates. Nobody had ever been quite this excited to go to school before but I guess there really is a first time for everything. As they entered the grounds they saw that they were not the first to hide out here. Around the playground were some walkers who some recognised to be people they knew. Sophie noticed one who had eyebrows that were a darker shade than her hair and Jacob laughed at this. "Bros looking like an angry birds character." He said as he killed it. Sophie rolled her eyes. "And she used to find her eyebrows attractive." Sophie said as Jacob chuckled again. "Vaila was always a little stupid. Didn't know her well but I got the idea." He said as Sophie nodded. "Oh well, I thought I'd be sadder but we weren't really friends come high school so I guess I don't care as much." She said as Jacob shrugged and walked off to help the others clear out walkers. This task didn't take long as the Wall has been alive long enough to know how to effectively take down small groups of walkers like this. Once they'd all been cleared out Jacob turned to the school building itself. "Well, it looks like a bit of a chore to get looking good again but with like maybe a year it'll be all good to go." Jacob said proudly as people nodded. "Really think we'll defend this place for a year?" Connor asked as Jacob shrugged. "Eh, maybe but you seemed to have learned a thing or 2 about defending yourself when you were away." Jacob said as Connor just nodded and looked at his covering that he'd used to hide his face. It was an orange snood with ducks patterned across it and it hardly covered his face but it worked well enough.

Jacob forced the rusty doors open and saw a surreal sight. They foyer of the school eerily quiet. There wasn't even noise of teachers doing their final pieces of work after school, it was just... silence. Jacob moved forward with caution as he wasn't about to die now and found a nice spot to set up their main operations area. It was literally just the open area of the foyer where kids had set up tables to supply those with food during the initial walker takeover. "This was nice of them." Connor commented as he looked at the mouldy food. "Could be a little fresher though." He added as he looked the garden square that for as long as he'd been at the school had always been neglected. "Unless." He said as Jacob followed his gaze. "You don't mean you're gonna fix up that jungle?" He asked as Connor nodded. "With the right tools I'll sure as hell try." He said as Jacob shrugged. "Suit yourself, if it means food I'm all for it." He nodded as gave him a thumbs up. Jacob cleared all the rotten food off the tables and finally set down his defence plans for the school. 

They were some simple plans on white A2 paper but he'd taken graphic communication for all of like 1 month before the apocalypse so he knew how to draw a blueprint (on white paper). Everyone seems enthralled by Jacob's plans as he had a smug look on his face knowing this was gonna work. Sure, they had 0 of the needed materials to even begin fortification but after a couple of runs to garden centres and where ever else they could find, people were positive for the first time in almost 3 months that they'd be safe, have a home and if Connor followed through with his farm promise then they'd have a good source of food and people could learn how to cook and bake. This was seriously a large win for the Wall considering they'd gone through months of suffering to get to this point where they are now and their celebration was interrupted by Jacob.

"Everybody. I would like to introduce to you, the future of our lives, finally our safety. I would like to introduce... the new Currie community high school!" Jacob announced as everyone cheered and clapped for him. This was finally the end to all their suffering... right?

The End? 

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