37| Uncertain

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I take a step forward to speak with Romano but get pulled back. "I can't let you hurt her."  Romano's expression becomes unreadable when he hears Luca saying this.

Suddenly, Romano's anger takes an abrupt turn.

He barks an order, his voice icy and chilling, "I can't let you live then. Kill both of them!"

Panic surges within me, he just commanded his underlings to end our lives.

But the room remains shockingly still, silence echoing in the aftermath of his command. There's no fear on Luca's face, deep down he knows too; Fantino, Julian, Renzo and Gabriel won't take action on his this order.

Romano's control seems to waver. "Didn't you all hear me? Kill them!" Romano's command thunders through the room once again, the desperation in his voice evident.

But still, no one moves.

"This doesn't have to escalate any further" Luca tries making him understand.

"You... You're not one of mine anymore, are you? None of you are" The disappointment in Romano's voice struck deep, a reminder of betrayal.

The realization is etched across Romano's face in a mixture of anger and disbelief. And then, those cold eyes snap back to me, a storm of hatred and fury raging within them. I hold onto Luca's arm.

His words, like venom, cut through the air, dripping with malice and anger. "You, the cause of this mess. I'll make you wish you were never born," he snarls, his voice a dangerous growl. "Your death will be a lesson for everyone who dares to cross me."

My heart races, pounding like a drum in my chest as he continues. "I'll tear you apart, piece by piece. I'll enjoy watching you suffer, begging for mercy. Drowning you in water until you're on your knees, pleading for a breath" he warns further.

The room seems to spin, and the air grows heavy with memories that I have tried so hard to suppress. Images of dark water and terrified screams floods my mind, taking me back to a time of unspeakable horror.

"You won't escape me," he hisses. "I'll make sure you suffer in ways you can't even imagine."

The rage and cruelty in his voice fueled a fire within me. I can almost hear the echo of screams that had haunted my dreams for years.

My fist clenches, and before I even realize it, my arm swung forward, the momentum fueled by a rush of emotions. I punch Romano. Silence is broken only by the sound of Romano's unconscious body hitting the ground.

The room is heavy with a tense silence. I turn my gaze back at Luca.

But his eyes, filled with a storm of emotions, don't meet mine. It is as if a wall has sprung up between us, a barrier of unspoken words

"Take him away and lock inside a room." he instructs Gabriel and Julian who hovered nearby.

They nod, their movements hesitant as they approach Romano's still form.

As they carry Romano away, a sense of unease settles within me. Luca turns away from the scene, his footsteps echoing softly as he walks across the main door to leave.

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