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I walked into the dreary white building as slow as I could, thinking maybe someone would change their mind and tell me to turn right back around and go home. 

No one did.

My driver trailed behind me probably to make sure I didn't try and make a run for it. Damn.

A nurse dressed in yellow scrubs with little butterflies on it saw my uneasy expression and rushed to the front desk to help me.

"Hi sweetie how can I help you" she beamed with the most fake smile I've ever seen.

"I'm just checking in. My names Bella Winters I was sent here by Doctor Smith." The nurse typed something into the computer in front of her.

"Oh yes Bella, you're here for" she paused "suicide watch?" I cleared my throat.

"Yes" I said not making eye contact.

"Okay let me show you your room" She began to walk down the long dreary hallway and beckoned me to follow. 

It was poorly lit with many doors, probably filled with kids just like me. Stupid kids just like me, who made irrational decisions trying to run away from life.

"Here's your room. Number 1738" (aye) she pulled a key out of her pocket and unlocked the door. The room was actually quite nice. It had a nicely made bed, a couch right under a huge window, and even its own bathroom. *Picture Included*

I didn't even notice I was standing there just staring until the nurse interrupted my thoughts, "If anything isn't to your liking we can change it or get you a different room sweetie".

"No, no everything is beautiful" I smiled at her. She smiled back,

"Okay well I'll leave you to get settled but before I go here's the activity schedule" she pulled out a small piece of paper and handed it to me. It had the days of the week with list of activities and times for each day.

"Activity schedule?" I thought I was just here to speak to a shrink and leave, not have to go to stupid group activities were you make arts and crafts and sing kumbaya. Trust me I've had to do those before, and they suck.

"Yes for the time you're here you'll have to attend some activities with other patients. Don't be scared though hun, it's nothing too bad, some are optional" She put her hand on my arm trying to give me a reassuring smile.

"Oh well I'll just get settled, thanks for helping me" I said.

"Just push the button on the wall behind your bed if you need anything at all" and with that she shut the door and left, leaving me with my thoughts. I guess the bodyguard that followed me in had already left since I hadn't seen him since we walked away front the front counter.

I let out a deep breath and sat on the hospital bed. The bed was no where near as comfy and lavish as my new bed at Niall's house but it was still much better than the one that I slept in at the foster house. That old house seemed so far behind me it's crazy.

I walked over to the cabinets directly across from the bed and looked inside. There were only remotes inside, probably for the TV.

I decided to take a small nap because I was still pretty jet lagged from the long flight from Ireland.

Ireland, I  can't say I missed it much. But it was so strange how no one here in America had the thick Irish accent I was so accustomed to, besides Niall and even his accent had faded slightly, sounding more American than it used to.

I sat back on my bed and pushed my shoes onto the floor. I wonder is it's possible to sleep for two weeks, and with that thought I closed my eyes.

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