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Bella's POV:

"Ready to go?" Niall said as he carried my bags out of the run down foster home to his shiny black Explorer that his manager's rented for him while he was in Ireland. I only had two small bags of stuff, one for my small wardrobe and the other for what was on top of my broken dresser. I didn't bother to say bye to anyone since I know they all won't miss me and people come and go in there all the time.

Niall and I were on our way to the airport to catch a plain to America, everyone thought it'd be best if I left Ireland as soon as possible but that also meant Niall's visiting time with his family was cut short. That made me feel even more like a liability.

It seemed everyone had to do for me and spend thousands of dollars getting me the "special care" I needed. That's the word my nurse used instead of saying "therapy for extremely insane people", I mean that's what it is.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I said as I trailed behind him. We climbed into his car and he started the engine..

Was I ready to go to a whole new county that I've never been to before, meet a bunch of new people that I've never seen before, and have to stay in a mental hospital for 3 weeks where everyone is going to act like I'm a psycho maniac? 

No, I'm not.

"I hope you don't mind I wanted to stop by my house and say bye" he said.

"Of course I don't mind I mean it's my fault you have to say bye to your family already. It's my fault you have to spend a bunch of money on a mental hospital and therapy. It's my fault you can't do what you want because you have to look after a crazy girl. It's my faul-"

"Bella stop. Don't act like I don't want you here, because I do. There's no place I rather be than right beside you. Through anything and everything" he said and grabbed my hand. I looked away from him because as much as it felt amazing that he said that, I know in a couple weeks he won't feel that way.

We drove in silence all the way to his house and pulled into the drive way, the silence continuing.

"You wanna come with me and say bye?"

"No thanks"

"Are you sure Bella? I'm sure everyone would really love to see you" he said with a hopeful smile.

"No I don't really want to have everyone feel bad for me but you have fun" I said not looking at him. I was suddenly very interested with the fence separating the Horan's house from their neighbors.

"Okay" he said sadly. I sat still staring out the window and out of the corner of my eye watched him walk through the door. I think there was a banner up in the living room that said 'We'll Miss You' and a lot of Niall's friends were there. 

I guess I'll be waiting a while.


About half an hour has gone by and I've received almost twenty texts from Niall all going something like this:

Niall: Are you sure you don't wanna come in? Everyone really wants to see you!:)

Me: No I'm fine. Please don't worry about me, have fun.

There wasn't much to do on my phone, after everyone found out about my dad I deleted all of my social media. I didn't want to have to see all the pity and questions I would get, or the ridicule. I've just been reading that book the nurse gave me the whole time. I was now on chapter seven but I decided to put it away so I would have something to read on the long plane ride.

That reminded me the plane boards at 6:30 and right now it was 5:20. I sent a text to Niall:

Me: Not to be more of a buzz kill than I already am, but plane boards at 6:30. maybe we should get going soon?

Niall: Yeah sorry lost track of time, be right out!

Just as Niall said he walked out about three minutes later a huge grin on his face.

"Have fun?" I said putting on a fake smile. I didn't usually smile genuinely.

"Actually yes, all of our school friends were there-"

'Your school friends' I thought to myself.

"And everyone said they really wanted to see you. Fin even bought you this gift" he said pulling a small box wrapped in purple and black wrapping paper out of his pocket. Fin was one of Niall's good friends, he had many, and the only one who actually bothered to speak to me nicely. I mean you could say we were some what friends. We texted a little bit from time to time, maybe once every month. Fin was pretty cute. (Picture of Fin on side)

He put the box and my hand and urged me to open it. I slowly unfolded the paper, careful not to the rip the packaging. I don't really know why I was so careful when I opened presents, maybe because I didn't really get a lot of them.

Inside was a small blue box with a gold bracelet. The bracelet was a simple, yet gorgeous, gold chain with a small gold heart on it. On the back of the heart it said 'You're worth it'. A little corny but I still appreciated it very much.

"I'll definitely call him when we land" I said this time with a genuine smile. Niall smiled back at me and we began to drive to the airport.

"Here we go" I whispered.

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