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"Niall come one we've been driving for 5 minutes, just tell me where were going!" I said for about the thousandth time since we've been in the car.

"I told you it's a surprise! Remember Bella, patience is a virtue" Niall said laughing and doing prayer hands.

"Yea a virtue I don't have" I said as I slumped down in my seat feeling defeated, but just then we pulled into a familiar street, it was Maple Street. Old looking houses lined the street, some with beautiful green lawns and flower bushes and some just with dead weeds. In some yards there were young children playing or adults enjoying the day off with drinks in their hand's. I'd recognize this street anywhere.

I used to live on it.

"Niall what are we doing here" I said in a slightly worried tone. I didn't want to revisit the past. My past was a terrible dark place that should not be visited. I mean my present isn't much better than my past but I'd rather be where I am now any day over being where I was.

"Just relax Bella, everything's fine" he said acting like we were on the beach in Cancun instead of my old street. Niall turned off of the street before we drove past my old house. I was grateful for that. I wasn't sure I could keep myself together if we drove past it, I'd probably have another panic attack. I hate to think about anything that used to happen to me in that house.

"Are you sure you know where we're going?" I asked confused because I couldn't think of anywhere good that this road led to.

"I can't believe you don't know where we're going" Niall said chuckling. I sat back trying to remember any place this street could take us. It was hard because I always tried to block out any of my old memories so I Couldn't think of anything. Then it hit me.

We were going to the park.

It wasn't just any old park though, it was where me and Niall met and spent most of our time together. I can't believe it took me this long to get. My discovery must have shown on my face because that's when Niall said "Now you know where we're going?"

I nodded.

I can still remember the day we met.


I had to leave my house again. My dad came home drunk even though it was only twelve in the afternoon.

He tried to touch me again.

When I ran away from him that's when he got mad. He swung at me, hard, and hit me straight in the jaw. My mouth was bleeding like crazy but I managed to run up to my room and lock the door before he could do anymore damage. I pushed my dresser against the door just in case he tried to open it. Well, I did the best an 9 year old could do.

I pulled out a sock from my drawer and tried to wipe off the blood from my face. I looked down and saw I accidentally got some on my shirt though. Great, now it's stained. I only have a few shirts so when one was ruined it was a big deal to me.

There was a lot of banging going on downstairs, and every noise made me flinch. I changed into a tank top and cleaned up all the blood that had dripped onto the old, dusty hard wood floor.

That's when the banging stopped. 'Maybe he fell asleep' I thought to myself. This was my chance to get out of the house. I put on my too small, falling apart converse and a black pair of jeans. I grabbed a red sweater and pulled it over my tank top. I did my best to push my dresser away from the door as silently as possible.

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