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I woke up that next morning earlier than usual. I wanted to look my best for my date with Niall. Date? Was it a date? I mean I sort of think it is but what if he doesn't? You know what I'll just forget it. I want to enjoy my day with Niall.

Wow. I'm worrying about looking good and if a boy thinks our time together is a date or not. I really need to get my priorities in check. Only Niall does these things to me. I looked at the clock, shit. It was already twelve and Niall would be here at one.

I jumped out of bed and quickly threw the blankets over the mattress. I looked around my room. All the girls were already out of bed and all the beds were all made. I made my way to the bathroom passing by the kitchen as I went. There were about 5 kids eating cereal in there but no Nancy. Where could she be?

The bathroom door was closed I knocked several times. No answer. I knocked again, "Hey anyone in there!" The door swung open and out walked Samantha. Samantha was the meanest and most rude person in the foster house. She's only been here for a few weeks but has been a bitch the whole time. I usually try to avoid her but it's hard in such a small house.

"Morning" I said.

"Fuck you" she replied bitterly as she shoved past me. I'm not positive but Samantha's here because her mom has always done drugs but just recently started selling them to her druggy friends. As you could guess, she got caught. She was sentenced to 6 years in prison with a 1st degree felony for possession of and selling crack cocaine.

I only find this stuff out because of a little nosy boy named Toby who looks through everyone's files when no one around.

I scoffed at her as she walked back into her room. I walked into the bathroom, locked the door, and un-dressed.

I stared at myself in the mirror, disgusted at my appearance. Even though I had a thigh gap my thighs still repulsed me. They where fat and pudgy. I ran my pale fingers over my scars on my thighs and on my wrists as well. The ones on my wrists were just old ones that would never fade. I moved to my thighs since they were more fresh and uglier.

My eyes then moved to my face, my hideous face. I had terrible under eye circles and my cheeks bones stuck out like cactus spikes. I looked like a ghost. A body with no soul, no purpose, just an empty person walking around with no direction.

I looked away and started the shower. I was only in there for about ten minutes, just to wash my hair. I climbed out and wrapped a towel around me. Then I combed through my tangled brown hair and walked back to the room to choose my outfit.

I settled on old tattered black skinny jeans, a gray sweater a black beanie, and floral print boots. I looked at myself in the mirror. For once in my life I looked... sorta nice. My face still looked ghostly but I couldn't do much for that. I didn't own any makeup. I grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet (which only had about 3 dollars in it) and put it in my black cross-body bag. I took one last look in the mirror and headed out.

I sat waiting on the curb waiting for a call from Niall. It was now 1:15. He's probably just held up in traffic I tried to tell myself. 'Yeah right' my thoughts said. There's no traffic in a small town like this. My phone vibrated in my hand and I looked down.

Niall: Sorry running late! Be there in like 5 minutes. Xx

Me: Its okay  I'm running late too.

I know I lied but if I said I was waiting for 15 minutes it would make me seem too desperate. I got up and walked back inside. I was on the couch waiting for Niall when little Moosie ran up to me. Moosie was five years old and the cutest little boy you would ever see. His real name was Michael but everyone called him Moosie because he loved to pretend he was a Moose.

"Belly where are you going?" he asked me in his little voice.

"Out with an old friend" I said picking him up and placing him on my lap.

"What's her name?"

"It's a boy Moosie" I let out a little chuckle.

"A boy! He must be your boyfriend then! Belly has a boyfriend, Belly has a boyfriend!" he chanted hopping off my lap and running around the living room.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I laughed. I then received a text from Niall.

Niall: I'm here

Me: Okay I'm coming 

"Okay see you later Moosie! He's here"

"YOUR BOYFRIEND" he turned around screaming. "I wanna meet him! Please please please please please" he pleaded.

"No. You stay here" I said standing up fixing my beanie.

"PLEEASSEEEEE!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. I put my hands over my ears. That kid has some lungs on him. 

"Okay! Okay! God" I said laughing and opening the door.

"Thank you" he said and gave me an innocent smile.

"What ever" I grumbled. I picked up Moosie and headed out the door.

I walked up to Niall's car and knocked on the window. He rolled it down a confused look on his face. 

"I'm sorry this little guy was just dying to meet you."

"Okay" Niall said chuckling to himself. He got out of the car and walked around to meet us. I set Moosie down so he was standing.

Niall kneeled down to his height, "Hi I'm Niall" he said and stuck out his hand.

"Nice to meet you sir. I'm Michael but you may call me Moosie" he said and shook Niall's hand. "Do you like moose? And are you Belly's boyfriend? And why is your car black? How come your shirt is gray? Do you-"

"Whoa slow down there, let him answer" I said laughing. Moosie stared intently at Niall waiting for answers.

"Okay well yes I like moose, no I'm not her boyfriend" he said chuckling again. He looked up and smiled at me "I'm not sure why my car is black, it's a rental, and I don't know I just picked this shirt because I liked it"

"Why don't you go back inside and play with Tara" I said softly guiding him towards the door.

"Okay! Nice to meet you mister!" he said and skipped back inside. I watched him as he walked in the door and that's when I saw Samantha watching me and Niall through the window. When I looked at her she disappeared closed the curtains. Weird.

"Well, he sure is something" Niall said laughing.

"He sure is" I said lightly chuckling. We both got in the car and buckled our seat belts.

"You ready?" He asked me smiling.

"For what?" I said getting a little nervous.

"I guess you'll find out"

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