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It was a normal school day for me.

I was going through my usual routine of getting pushed into the wall, having cruel things shouted at me, and my favorite, people ripping pages out of my textbooks.

I mean, I'm pretty used to it by now seeing as it's been happening since the seventh grade. That's when all the girls got boobs and makeup and I got nothing.

However, during these last two months, the bullying has been getting much worse. It all started when the news story was aired on TV.

Two months ago, when my dad was arrested, a news story about the story was aired. It was basically about how he continually beat me since I was 8 and how he had molested me (I won't say how many times). They had interviewed me for it about a week before the story was aired, but I was told it was going to be a story in the paper and I thought; 'ok well it's not like anyone really reads the paper', so I agreed.

I was also told it was going to be anonymous and they wouldn't be saying my name or my dad's. They didn't say my name, but they did say my dad's first and last name, and I don't know anyone else in my town with the last name Winters. But I guess they thought "It's not like the little freak will do anything if we go against everything we just said to her".

I guess maybe by now I should have learned a lesson about trusting people. Putting your trust in people only leads to heartbreak and disappointment. Okay, from now on I, Bella Luna Winters, vow to never trust anyone ever ag-"Hey watch it slut!"

I looked up to see that I had bumped into a tall girl with short blonde hair while I was making my trust oath.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention..." I meekly replied tilting my head back down to avoid eye contact.

"Yea well maybe open your eyes bitch." she said as she slapped my books out of my hands and walked away proudly laughing to herself.

'Just two more classes' I thought to myself. I slowly bent down and picked up my books.

I kept walking to my sixth period English class, this time making sure to watch where I was going.


I waited till everyone left the room before I walked out of class, my day went a lot smoother if I didn't get in anyone's way. Just as I was about to walk out the door my teacher, Ms.Tucker, called after me.

"Hey Bella! Wait a minute I want to talk to you about something." she said taking off her glasses.

"Yes?" I shyly responded whilst cursing her out in my head. I wanted nothing more than to get to my last class and leave.

"I heard about your dad and I wanted to make sure you're okay and dealing with everything in a...rational way." she replied looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Oh yeah...I'm fine. Social services covered everything." I said inching closer to the door.

"Bella I've seen some things on your arms...and I wanted to let you know that I'm here for you, and so is everyone else. Self harm is not a way to deal with your problems."

Oh yea because all those students are here for me right? They're just doing all these cruel things to comfort me, is that it?

"I promise, I'm fine Ms. Tucker." I said trying to give her my most assuring fake smile.

"Well okay then...I'll let you go now." I nodded and started to walk away. "Have a good weekend Bella!" she called after me.

"You too!" I said as I walked out the door and headed to my seventh period class. Uhg. That's over with.

Believe me, that's not the first talk I've had with a teacher about self harm. That's not even my first talk with Ms.Tucker, so it didn't really surprise me at all.

I was just about to head into my seventh period art class when my phone rang. Still having two minutes till the bell rang I answered it.


"Hello?" the person on the other line said. I headed into the bathroom so I could hear better. I checked for feet under all of the stalls and made sure no one was in there before I responded.

"Who's this?" I said into the phone.

"Oh my god Bella...I've missed your voice"

I immediately recognized that voice.

It was Niall.

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