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Can I just say quickly that I never realized how daddy Cole Sprouse was till today????

Another six days had quickly passed by. Time went by in a weird way while I was in the hospital; everything seemed to be in a painful slow motion but eight hours later when I tried to think about what I'd done in the day, I couldn't seem to remember.

On the surface, I liked to play it off like I didn't need this place and I could handle everything on my own but if I'm being honest, I knew I needed this place. I needed a break from society and to be able to tell someone my problems without feeling like a nuisance. I don't know how life will be once I get to leave but I know I can deal with it.

I've grown a lot closer to Noah, he won't open up about why he's here, his family, or anything super personal like that but I mean, I know his favorite color. That means something, right? (It's orange). I don't think my experience here would have been as good as it was without him.

Having a friend felt so amazing.

I have no idea what's going on in the celebrity world or what new episodes have been released of my favorite shows, which is kinda a bummer, but I'm sure Niall will bring me up to speed.


I miss him too.

I don't know what he's doing, or if he's even still home. What if he left to go on a tour or something? He's only been off for about a month but I don't know how boy band schedules work. I kinda freak out about that sometimes but Dr. Strey says not to worry about stuff outside these walls for the time I'm here because I'll never get the chance to ignore responsibilities this much again.

I just wish he could visit.

*Knock Knock*

"It's the Feds open up!!" someone yelled on the other side of the door. I recognized the voice as Noah's.

"I swear, the drugs aren't mine!" I yelled back. He open the door with the stupidest look on his face. As we got to know each other more Noah became one of the funniest people I knew, not that I knew that many people but you get what I mean.

Noah usually came by my room at night so we could hangout and watch shows together. And sometimes when my nurse brought a movie we would watch that.

He sat on the chair by my bed and I switched to Wheel of Fortune.

"So... good news. I get to leave in a day." I said with a small smile.

"Seriously?" he said with a happy but disappointed looking smile on his face.

"Yeah, it seems unreal, it felt like I'd be here forever." I said shaking my head.

"That's definitely how it feels" he started looking down and playing with his fingers. "I'm so happy for you Bella, your life is finally gonna start."

We watched TV in silence for five minutes, neither of us knowing really what to say next.

"I'm gonna miss you," he said quietly. "I'll be alone again once you leave."

"I'm gonna miss you too Noah... this doesn't have to be the last time we see each other though."

"I know... I'm just going to be here for so long, and you're going to start living a great life, why would you want something to remind you of your past." he said sadly.

"You're not a bad reminder, you remind me of a place that turned everything around for me. And I could use all the friends I can get. You're like the second friend I've had in my entire life." I said laughing. He let out a low laugh.

"But let's not let this ruin my last day, we have to party like there's no tomorrow!" I said throwing my hands up.

"You're right! Tomorrow night at dinner, we're gonna have three pudding cups instead of one!" he said standing up and fisting bumping the air.

"That's the spirit!"


The next day I forced Noah to go to every single group activity going on in the day with me.

We went to a paper maché class made what felt like hundreds of paper flowers and bowls.
Next, we went to a pottery class and accidentally broke three plates.

And last, we went to a singing lesson. That had to be the best one by far. Hearing Noah try to belt out "Someone Like You" by Adele was the highlight of my entire time here.

By the time we were done with our hospital activity hopping, it was already 7. We went to dinner, ate three pudding cups each like the party animals we are, and walked back to my room.

"Maybe three puddings wasn't such good idea, I'm slightly lactose intolerant." Noah said holding his stomach and burping.

"Wow, looks like we have a light weight on our hands." I said laughing. When I got back to my room I saw that my nurse had left the movie Step Brothers out for me to watch with a sticky note on top:

Bella, loved getting to be your nurse and I'll miss you loads!

I smiled down at the note and put it in the bag with my personal stuff so I could keep it forever.

"Looks like I'm going out with a bang" I said turning around to show him the DVD.

"Wow, all my nurse has given me is the room curtains back." he said crossing his arms and acting mad.

"Hmm I guess I'm just way more awesome and lovable than you." I said in my Paris Hilton impression voice. I walked over to the TV and popped it in. We spent the next hour and half uncontrollably laughing and arguing about our favorite brother.

When the movie was over one of Noah's nurses came by to take him back to his room.

"One second, we have to say goodbye" he told her. Since I would be leaving early in the morning before he woke up. She nodded understandingly and waited by his door.

"Well... looks like this is goodbye" he said sighing.

"Not goodbye, this is see you later, ya know, after you get out of 24 hour watch hospital" I said shrugging my shoulders and smiling. He chuckled. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He seemed slightly caught off guard, but instinctively wrapped his arms around my back. I gave him a huge hug and stepped back, sighing.

"Bye Bella" he said smiling sadly and walking towards the door.

"Wait! Let me give you something!" I looked frantically around for a pen and paper, when I finally found one I wrote quickly.

"I wrote my full name and number, just in case you wanna look me up on Facebook or something." I said putting it in his hand. Now I'm gonna have to actually make a Facebook.

"I'll definitely have to do that." he said looking at it and walking out the door.

"Bye Noah!" I said waving. He turned around and smiled. With that, his nurse closed the door.

I went to sleep that happiest I'd ever been in my life.

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