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I was just about to head into my seventh period art class when my phone rang. Still having two minutes till the bell rang I answered it.


"Hello?" the person on the other line said. I headed into the bathroom so I could hear better. I checked for feet under all of the stalls and made sure no one was in there before I responded.

"Who's this?" I said into the phone.

"Oh my god Bella...I've missed your voice"

I immediately recognized that voice.

It was Niall.


"Niall?" I responded in disbelief.

"Yes! Bella it's me! Oh my god I've missed you so much!"

"Sure you did..." I said quietly into the speaker.

"What? Oh never mind! I'm in the area visiting my family and I needed to see you. I can pick you up and we can go out for lunch or something and catch up! I mean after you're out of school of course. So, what do you think?" he shouted into the speaker.

"Catch up?" I asked sarcastically.

He was the one who left me, without any explanation as to why and didn't even have the audacity to talk to me for a year. A fucking year.

He knows exactly what I have to go through on a daily basis and he didn't even care enough to see if I was okay.

"You know what sure, we can go catch up." I was planning to put him on blast and make him feel like shit, then he can go back to his perfect pop star life.

"Okay so do you want me to pick you up from school or do you want me to meet you somewhere?"

"Meet me down the street from school and I'll just walk."

"Okay sounds good! God I'm so excited to see you Bella!"


"Okay well...see you in a bit! Bye Bells!"

"Bye" I scoffed at his nickname for me. He hadn't called me that since the 6th grade. I walked out of the bathroom and to my seventh period class.

I mean I guess I was a little excited to see Niall; he was my best friend for 7 years. But I was even more excited to tell him off and show him what a dick he was.

I walked into my class and people turned to their friends to whisper about me. Probably about my dad too. I feel like I'm never going to live this news story down for the rest of my life. I'll always be known as 'that girl who was abused and molested by her dad'. 

I'll always be seen as ruined now.

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