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Soon enough the bell to my last class was ringing and everyone shot out of their seats to the door. I stayed in my seat packing up my things quietly.

I usually stayed in my class until everyone left the classroom and the school to avoid confrontation. I didn't want to risk getting in another fight like what happened last month.

Not that there's really much of a fight, it's usually 2-4 girls slapping me around, pulling my hair, and going through my backpack. I kind of just sit there and take whatever they do to me; I don't want to cause any more trouble than there already is for me.

Just as I was listening to the screams and yelling in the hallways die down I remembered that I had left my Chemistry binder in my P.E locker, fml. I rushed out of the door down to the P.E building.

I had to get there fast because they lock the doors at 4:20 and it was now 4:17. I ran all the way across campus and down the steep hill from the upper part of campus, to the lower part.

I got there out of breath and very winded. I was never the athletic type.

Though I was very thin that wasn't from working out, it was from not eating very much. I wouldn't say I'm anorexic; I just...don't have an appetite very often. I walked to my locker, unlocked it, and grabbed my chemistry binder. I let out a long relieved breath.

Just then I got a text.

Niall: I'm still waiting at the bottom of the hill for you. Don't be too long I want to see you :)

Me: Be there soon. I just had to grab something

I put my phone back into my pocket and walked towards the exit door. Just as I turned, there stood Monica with the most evil smile on her face. Monica was probably the meanest, most hateful person to ever walk the face of the earth.

She hassles me constantly and gives me shit at any chance she gets. Freshman year she took my history project on the day it was due and kicked it down the hallway, earning me an F and a dirty look from my teacher.

There were two girls behind her. One with long brown hair put in a high ponytail wearing short-shorts and a low-cut, turquoise tank top. She topped off her look with a pair of tall tan UGGS. The other girl was the one I bumped into in the halls earlier today.

I couldn't even speak; I was filled with anxiety and fear. I mean who wouldn't be scared when they knew they were about to get beat up by three people?

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Monica spoke with an evil smile plastered on her face, she took a step closer and her minions followed. I instinctively stepped back, but was met by a wall full of lockers.

I tried to run around them but then Monica yelled "Grab her!" Her minions obeyed and held me back by my arms.

I tried to wiggle out of their grasps but I was no match. I was a skinny, weak fool that couldn't protect myself from a cat.

Monica walked forwards and I kicked her in her shin. "OW!" she screamed.

"You little...." I was punished with a hard backhand across my face.

To make things worse she was wearing a stupid diamond promise ring given to her by equally as evil boyfriend.

I felt the ring catch on my skin and leave a long cut across my cheek. I winced in pain while they all laughed and mocked me.

"HEY! Who's in there!" a stern voice said. I recognized it as my P.E teachers.

"Oh shit, let's go girls!"

"You got lucky Winters!" Monica screamed before throwing my backpack on the floor and running outside.

I weakly picked up my backpack and walked out of locker room before my teacher came.

I have the best life ever.

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