Chapter 3: Confuzzled

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"My bad... Wait... Y/n?! "

"... Yang?! "

"What are you doing here?!" We said in unison.

He replied first,

"I am a student here now."

There was a quiet pause until I said,

"I am a freshman... Today's technically my first day if I don't count the day that I went to the convention and tour..."


This is getting awkward... Way too awkward... I want to jump over a cliff right now thanks to my embarrassment... :l

"Well, it was nice seeing you, Y/n!"

"...uhm... You too I guess..."

I ran away and made sure he wasn't following me... I sighed in relief and went to my first class, Biology... I... HATE BIOLOGY! IT'S NOT GOING TO HELP ME WHEN I GET OLDER BUT I NEED TO TAKE IT BECAUSE I WANT TO GRADUATE! 

It'll be fine... Just relax... Seconds later, I crashed into Douma... Why is this day so f**king crappy?!

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