Chapter 6: Embarrassment

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I was listening to a song from an old television show called Lazy town or something and didn't realize that my headphones weren't connected...

I walked down to the cafeteria still not knowing that my headphones were still not connected...

"-Never use a messy recipe, the cake will end up crazy~ If you do the cooking by the book! Then you'll have a ca-"

My music cut off for some reason and there was a small pause for around a second until a different song played on full blast on the speakers...

"-Break it down b**ch, let me see you back it up
drop that a*s down low then
pick that motherf**ker up! Break it down b**ch, let me see you back it up drop that a*s down low then pick that motherf**ker up! "

I was shocked... Like what happened... 



"Your headphones weren't connected~ We all heard the song~"

My heart sunk after Yang said that... My cheeks burnt in embarrassment and anger... I started hyperventilating from having a panic and anxiety attack from all the people staring at me... And seconds later I fell to the ground and almost cracked my skull open, but Douma saved me... And later I fainted...

Okay... This is why me and Douma are best friends... Not only does he love Aimi and Galaxily, but he treats me so nicely like an overprotective best friend would do... It's so sweet of him...

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