~ Chapter Nineteen ~

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It had been a week since Jia had arrived in Ilsan.

That fateful night, she had woken up a few minutes after Taehyung had pushed her on to the doorframe, making her pass out. She was still lying on the floor, disoriented and confused when she had heard the screeching tyres. She had catapulted to the window and looked out to see Tae's car zigzagging down the street.

He had escaped.

She was sure she had shot him. The window behind him had shattered completely and there was blood on the floor.

Then how had he managed to knock her out and escape??

She had scarpered around the house picking up whatever she could lay her hands on. She had already cleared out the apartment before she had left for Sydney so she quickly grabbed her phones, bag and flew out of the apartment building.

Her neighbours had surely heard the shot and the area would have been crawling with cops in no time.

She had run to her car calling the only person she could trust with her sister's safety at the moment.

"Hello?" A deep voice drawled in his southern accent.

"Rory!" Jia called out.

"Jia?" He asked confusion clouding his tone.

"It's me! This is an emergency" she explained urgently.

"What do you need?" He asked immediately.

"I need you to get to Eun-ji. Like right now! Use any means necessary to secure her. Go underground!" She ordered.

"I understand."

"She's in danger, Rory. I fucked up!" She screamed in frustration.

"I'll find her Jia. I owe you my life." Rory promised.

"I will get in touch with you soon. For now, secure her and go underground."

"Okay. You take care of yourself. I'll keep her safe."

"Thank you." She said ending the call.

And then she had run.

She had been on the run for a week before finally finding a safe spot in Ilsan and laying low.

There was no other option.

Her uncle was not one for second chances let alone a third one. He would never believe that her target had escaped. He would think she had let him go.

Though she had never intended to let him live, a part of her was glad he had escaped. The part that was still very much in love. But that part was also scared, wondering if he had made it home, if he was still alive, if he was okay.

Sometimes that part of her got so loud and intense, that it made it difficult for her to hear her own thoughts or even breathe.

That treacherous part.... it missed him.

Inspite of everything.

She thought back of the night it had all gone down. She had been so blinded by the rage of his betrayal that she had refused to hear him out. Now that she'd had some time to reflect on what had happened, she realised he hadn't known Eun-ji was related to her.

He had tried, repeatedly, to get her to listen. Begged even but she had been furious and beyond reason. It was more due the fact that she felt betrayed than because of what he had done.

Looking back on everything now, she had been lying to him too, about herself, about why she was there.

She asked herself, given the opportunity would she have killed her original target - Kim Seokjin, knowing full well, he was Tae's brother? She hadn't been able to come up with an honest answer and that had shamed her.

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