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Saturday was the worst day of the week for Tanalya. When she ran away, she had hoped things would be different, but she found her first Saturday similar to the old ones.


The only differences was that she managed to get two jobs to do for later in the day and the pay was actually quite good, and she won't get the usual bickering from her mother. But the morning, she just stared into space on her bed. She had made a lot in the week and she was more than happy that most of the jobs she acquired were permanent and it was only few that weren't. She didn't have enough to live life besides the normal though. She didn't want to spend a lot of money and rather she opened two accounts, the first as the main one, where the cash went in constantly, and the second one, which she used to keep savings. She had made her main account programmed in a way the 30% of any money entering the main account went in the second account. She wasn't allowed to use the Savings Account, as she called it, for anything until month ending, but she didn't plan on using it at all. Not until she was in great need for it.

She had also realized she had forgotten her phone back at her old home, so she got a new cheap one as well as a new line. She really had no intention of going back to her old home. She had already unpacked her things, trying to make the little apartment more to her taste. It almost looked like her old room if she were to be honest, but with a little more brightness in a very odd way. Her old room was larger, better and more decorated. It didn't have paint peeling off like this room, but the time she spent in that room was sad. She either stayed there crying or fuming with anger. The room had become dead to her after a few years of the same thing over and over.

She stared out her window at the busy street below her and smiled when she spotted a little dog run across the street and into a shop. She had seen a lot of stray animals in the week, but seeing the white dog just seemed to intrigue her. She was already bored as it was. She didn't mind watching or playing with stray animals to keep her occupied. She jumped up from her bed and slipped on her jacket and her comfy pumps before grabbing her wallet and key. She locked up her apartment as she left and found her way into the busy street she had once been watching. She paused when she heard barking and saw the dog run out of the shop it had entered. It dashed passed her and she watched as it hid behind a trash can. She looked back toward the shop and watched a huge Chinese looking man come out. He was fuming and searching around frantically.

He walked towards her and gave her a smile.

"Young lady," He had a thick Chinese accent, "Did you happen to see a white mutt come by here?" Tanalya was basically tongue tied. The man's size and voice intimidated her, but she made the decision that she would protect the mutt.

"Actually yes, I did. What might it have done, mind I ask?" she said and the Chinese man gave her a suspicious smile.

"Mutt keeps coming to my shop. Mutt keeps eating my meat... The meat is for sale!" He declared, "Tell Bouras where mutt goes now," He said in a cold tone and Tanalya gulped but pointed at the opposite direction. Bouras raised a brow but nodded his thanks and started his chase, his movement swift and fast. She waited till he was out of sight before letting out a breath she didn't know she held.

She stealthily walked up to the mutt and it growled at her.

"Shhhhh... Don't make a noise. I saved you," she slowly reached out to touch the mutt, but it barked, "Shush now, Bouras will find you!" she whispered sharply and the dog, as if understanding, buried itself deeper into the small hole behind the trash can. Tanalya looked around for a bit before squatting and stroking the dog. This time it didn't object or growl at her. It almost... purred? Tanalya blinked in shock before smiling and picking up the dog, "Now, what's your name?" she asked as if it could talk. She smiled at her foolishness and even found herself blushing. The dog was still young, but it wasn't so young surely. She believed it was at least a few months old. It wasn't big though, she had the intention to take it home, but she first searched for any name tag on the mutt. She smiled when she saw none. It's basically mine, she thought then chuckled. She rushed back up to her flat and placed the whining mutt on the tiled ground.

TANALYA GREENEWOD: World 10Where stories live. Discover now