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"Seriously, masks. Guys this is so cliché I could puke," Jokx stated and his capturers all froze. He still was blindfolded. How he knew, they had no idea. But he was accurate. It seemed stupid now considering he knew the identity of every one of them. Slowly they began taking off their masks and Charles licked his lips, anticipation in his eyes as he snatched off Jokx's blindfold. The sudden light blinded him for a second and he blinked as he adjusted his eyes to it. He laughed at the familiar faces.

"Okay, I'm done here. Where is she?" He stated suddenly stern and all eyes landed on Charles. Jokx raised a brow and watched as the tall dude sighed.

"Why can't you just play around a bit, Jeremiah, aren't you sick of being so suck up," Charles stated. Jokx eye rolled and winked at the girl who was staring at him with interest. He's seen her file, but he didn't know her personally yet. She seemed to be the only new person among them.

"Why do you guys always try?" Jokx stated as he dusted his shoulders. Eyes widened. They'd triple tied that knot. He'd just got out so easy. All his capturers went alert, all except Charles who simply smirked


"Cut to the chase, where the hell is she?"

"Shouldn't you thank us? Thanks to Mia you didn't have to deal with that lady," The thought of Nikki made him both embarrassed and pissed. He stood and made his way for the door. Everyone cleared the path for him and he raised a brow, disappointed that he couldn't fight anyone.

"You are all acting really weird," He stated, "But yes, I do thank you Mia. You got rid of that pain. Now," Jokx opened the door, "Where is Tanalya Greenewod," He froze at what he saw and instantly paled, his eyes widening.

"Hey let me out of here! What do you guys want?" Tanalya screamed and the guard who was at his width's end groaned. He was supposed to treat her nicely because she was somehow important, but her screams were irritating.

"Could you just shut up?" He stated harshly and Tanalya instantly did, sweat dropping. A hand instantly came in contact with his face and he was flung to the ground beside her cage. Her eyes widened and her gaze fell on who was responsible for it. She tensed. The guy had a friendly yet creepy smile on his face and his bright white hair and red eyes stood out, the way he beamed at her was both satisfying and worrying. A woman appeared from behind the man, looking tired. She had black hair and grey eyes that stood out.

"Be careful Drew, don't hurt him," The tired lady stated, calmly and Drew laughed heartily.

"Of course not, Marin, I gave him a soft blow. I just couldn't bare him shouting at the majesty," Drew stated and Marin sighed, her intense gaze falling on Tanalya. Tanalya went red in the face and a chill ran down her spine. She wasn't getting any danger levels from them, but she wasn't sure. The guard had been willing to smash her head though, "Your highness, such pleasure it is to meet you finally!" His voice boomed and it startled her but she said nothing at first.

"So it's because of my abilities that I am here again..." Tanalya mumbled and watched as the pissed guard exited the room. She felt tears sting her eyes. She didn't want this at all, "Where's Jokx?" Marin raised a brow, confused, "I mean, Jeremiah, where is he? What do you guys do to him?"

"Jeremiah Kaleen is fine. We put Charles in control of him. Do not worry, you are safe with us!" Tanalya was not convinced. She looked at the man skeptically. Kindness practically emitted from him, but she still didn't trust him.

"I want to see him," Everywhere went quiet and tension rose.

"You won't be seeing him again," Why did that hurt?


Tanalya eye rolled at the voice in her head. Of all times to speak, it was now when she was stressed. Even if it was her own voice she was tired of listening to her ominous talk. It was like she was being read and the Writer was dropping comments. It was a bit annoying. She wasn't a book. She was a person.

Technically you are a book to me

"That didn't help," Tanalya mumbled and then groaned, "Look, I just want to go home with him. He's my friend; I'll like to see him and he's my body guard. It's my entire fault for leaving that party without him in the first place," She stated speaking up.

"Your cooperation was much appreciated. We didn't have to take drastic measures," Drew exclaimed and Marin nodded; her eyes warm.

"Why am I here?"

"Because you are the only link to the Writer," Drew stated and looked at the lady clinging on to his arm, "Right Marin? We got the right person?"

"Yes, there's a divine presence," Marin stated and Drew chuckled, smiling at her.

"You see as there's one link, there's only one Special that sees the link. Marin is that Special. Your rightful right hand; the wisest of them all," Marin went red in the face and looked at her feet.

"It's not a lie, but I'm not so smart, your highness," Tanalya frowned. That title

She wasn't 'your highness', she was Tanalya Greenewod, a runaway in college who loves journalism.

Yeah, you can be that and be the link

She shook her head. She did not want to be the link. It was tiring. Now she was being kidnapped? It was too much to bear. She simply wondered where Jokx word. She hoped he was fine.

"Did you hurt him? Jeremiah, is he hurt?" She asked and Drew laughed.

"That war machine can't get hurt. I mean literally, you are the only one capable. I have to give it to them, SPL is smart for recruiting him as fast as possible," Drew stated and laughed again.

"Are you going to hurt me? Experiment on me?" Drew smiled slyly and then bent so he was about her height. He stared her straight in the eyes and then chuckled again.

"Never, your highness, divine power can't be figured out anyway!"

"Oh... then why am I here?" Drew's expression went stern and it startled her. There was a whole new seriousness to him.

"We saved you... you're on the wrong side," Marin stated, holding on to Drew as he straightened out, "SPL isn't what you think it is," Tanalya furrowed her brows

"What do you mean?" Tanalya asked and Drew sighed

"Haven't you noticed it? There's something really shady about the place. Why are they so adept on meeting the Writer? What is it they want? And after being called 'Special Protection Law', they have a whole type of Specials as Forbidden," Drew spat out; there was evident anger in his voice. He cleared his throat and smiled at the two girls, "More will be explained later at dinner. We are really sorry for the conditions you had to bear in this cage. It was only till we had made proper accommodation," Marin unlocked the cage and Tanalya hesitantly stepped out, "There's much you have to know,"

"Um... okay," She didn't know what else to say and the two gestured for her to leave the room. She walked out and bit her lip.

Where the heck was Jokx?

../A/N/ : Drew is inspired by a character from one of my favorite anime, Demon Slayer. We miss you Rengoku.

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