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Tanalya's completely cloaked figure was seen as she walked away from the apartment block she had spent more than a month in. She was walking in a quite zigzagged manner and you could see the clouds of icy air coming out of her mouth as she breathed. She pulled out her cold hands from her pockets and rubbed them together, trying to warm them up. December had come and winter was fast approaching. It was already the 12th and so it could only get colder as the days went on.

She inhaled, listening far and wide for the familiar wolf howls and birds singing. The morning was fast approaching and she expected to hear the birds sing in a moment.

"It is morning, my babies.

Open your eyes, be amazing.

Stretch your wings it's a new day

Let's all get ready to fly away."

She sighed. It was her third time tying since she had been told she was a special a month ago. She thought it was cool that she could understand animals, but she wished she could switch it off sometimes. It was better when she could wake up to the tweeting of the birds instead of hearing a song with lyrics. She liked the harmony and melody of the song, not the wordings. The wordings made the feeling completely different to her. It wasn't intriguing like it had been all the other times. She couldn't seem to enjoy the moment.
"Tanalya... is that you?" She turned and she spotted the familiar brunet waving at her. She had been seeing a lot of him because of his regular checkups. She was getting tired of him being so protective of her, which was why she always snuck out of the house after he left.

Jokx bit his lip then cursed at himself for believing the tyrant would stay in bed.

It was his job to look after her because of certain issues which the authorities at the SPL base had suddenly had and he took it upon himself to protect her. He knew she was getting sick of it, but he needed a friend himself on the particular date. It was the reason why he had even called her name in the first place. He didn't want to be her body guard for the day; he wanted to be her friend.

Tanalya scowled but sighed.

"I really can't get away from you, can I?" Tanalya eye rolled, "I'll go back home if you want, sorry for leaving the apartment without you,"

Jokx took a deep breath.

"No, you can stay... you basically have no reason to apologize," Tanalya raised a brow but shrugged. It was still very early in the morning and she couldn't see the brunet's sad reddened eyes or red hands. Even so, Jokx still avoided her eyes and hid his hands in his pockets, "You aren't having any class today right?"

"Mm... well I think so..."

"Great," He came closer to her, "Go out with me," Tanalya couldn't believe her ears. Her face suddenly reddened and it was her turn to hide away from his sight so as not to make a fool of herself. She had a funny feeling from the way he had said it. It was more of an order than a request- maybe because it was an order. Jokx had decided he use his power over her to get her to say an absolute yes to him. As planned Tanalya nodded in agreement and Jokx took her hand, pulling her along with him and leaving her under complete curiosity. Having him leading her, she couldn't help but wonder who Jokx actually was. She wondered about his name, his family and everything about him. He seemed to be rebel like. He seemed so independent and yet lonely. She wondered if he was just like her, a run away, or worse, a cast away. She wondered when or how he figured everything about being a Special. Everything about him seemed so...

"Tanalya..." She looked up at the amused boy, "What are you thinking about?" Her cheeks tinted red and she looked away from him.

"Nothing," She said in a sour tone, and then she sweat dropped realizing how that sounded. With his expression and tone, she knew he was only thinking about the worst of things, "I'm thinking about... Polar..." Jokx chuckled.

TANALYA GREENEWOD: World 10Where stories live. Discover now