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Tanalya had woken up on a comfortable bed with a comfortable set of pajamas. She had been served a tasty breakfast in bed and had a cool bath. The designer Special had whipped up the most comfortable pair of shorts and tank top with a fashionable cropped sweater and she had been given her comfortable ankle boots from the earlier that day.

When she had finished changing into her cloths, she had been lead into a room where different people sat, quieting down as she came in. she saw Jokx sitting at the right hand side of a huge man with a death glare on his face. She had been leading to the only empty seat- the one right in front of the giant man, but at least 20 seats away. Even if he distance between the two of them was a whole lot, Tanalya couldn't help feeling like she could die at any moment. She immediately began to observe her manners and said nothing. The discussion was brought up again, and Tanalya did nothing but listen. It wasn't helping matters that they were talking about her, and there were few moments she wanted to chip in, but she kept her mouth shut until she was finally asked a question.

She fretted for some reason when she realized it was the giant man that was asking her the question, and her lips didn't seem to be able to move, or make out a word. She closed her mouth when she realized she wouldn't say a word.

"Miss Tanalya Greenewod?" The giant man asked again and her lips finally decided to move.

"Yes?" she didn't look at the giant man, but she stared at the table instead.

"How is your stay so far?" Her cheeks burned.

"it was comfortable," she wanted to slap herself for not saying an elegant word like prestigious or delectable, but then she realized she couldn't take back what she said and she seemed to crawl into herself.

"Well, you do seem to be like the other animal based Specials- shy and absent minded,"

"Well, Wickson, maybe she's shy 'cause you have been glaring at her all through this meeting." it was Jokx's voice- it didn't even sound scared and Tanalya gulped at the thought of how high in this place Jokx was. Tanalya looked up and blushed harder when she saw all eyes were on her. She shot her head back down, whimpering.

"If that's the case, Miss Greenewod, I'm ever so sorry. We Specials have a gift, yes, but it comes with consequences," That seemed to catch her attention. Her questions from earlier in the day came flooding in and she suddenly had new found confidence.

"What do you mean consequences?" she asked as she looked up. Wickson gave her a bland look.

"Expected from someone who just became a Special, basically, you are the chosen one and you have a whole lot to learn being that," Tanalya shook her head in understanding.

"Learning means after school classes here every day, Tanalya," Jokx said and she finally looked at him again. He was leaning on the chair, broadly playing with it, spinning round and round with this bland look on his face. She studied him and finally realized something. His dressing, his whole appearance had seemed to change. His hair was less messy and he was in a shirt and waist coat with work jeans and sneakers. He seemed more professional and to her... cute. She blushed and looked away from him. She finally processed what he had said and her mouth dropped open.

"I...I have several jobs that fill my after school hours," she said and Wickson raised a brow. He cleared his throat.

"Well, you will have to quit them," Wickson said

"How will I be able to pay rent and stuff?"

"You can move into the base, everything will be provided for y-"

"NO," Her voice was stern, if you had looked closely you would have seen her eye color change to amber for a millisecond, "I am not leaving home to come back into some place they'll end up taking care of me all over again,"

"Fine... How about we give you a better paying job you can do during the weekends? We'll give you enough wage to be able to cover your bills for months," Tanalya thought about it carefully. Then she sighed. However she thought of it, her curiosity was growing more and she wanted to quench it. She would take the job, but she had to stall for a bit.

"I'll think about that offer," she said then looked at the time on the huge wall clock situated right above Wickson's head, "I have to head to school now, my first class will soon begin," Wickson sighed and looked at a man sitting at his left hand side.

"Mr. Fernando will help you with that as Mr. Jeremiah promised,"

Fernando put a nose mask on and stood up. He walked up to her and helped her off her seat and out of the hall. From outside she could once again hear the rumbling that had began inside and she sighed. She knew they were talking about her.

She was led back to the room she had spent the night and she grabbed her bag, double checking to make sure everything was present. She looked at Fernando and nodded as a sign she was ready.


"Thank you," Tanalya said to the teleporting Special and he winced before given her a playful chuckle.

"It's cool, but um... can you tell me where the male's bathroom is?" Tanalya raised a brow.

"Why do you ask?" Fernando seemed quite uneasy.

"Since you've never teleported before, my consequence was to take the feeling for you," she couldn't understand it, but he looked sick, so she answered his question.

"It's right around the corner," Fernando zipped off in mere seconds and Tanalya smiled. She took a deep breath and followed his lead around the corner, but had to stop quickly after that.

A brunet taller than her by about a head loomed over her, shocked by her sudden presence.

"H-hey..." The brunet chuckled nervously, "Where'd you come from, I was pretty sure no one was there only seconds ago,"

Tanalya opened her mouth to explain but nothing came out, it was almost as if the words were stuck. She had also never been good at lying, she had no explanation.

"Hi," The brunet chuckled at the way she decided to divert the topic.

"You're funny," He sighed, "I'm Owen...i honestly just walked past here and so..."

"I was... I was um... I just arrived to school and I'm heading for class but then... um..."

"But then...?"

"My... my uncle... he came with me and he... he fell sick and so," she let out a nervous chuckle and Owen raised a brow.

"Your uncle's the dude who ran past here right?"

"Y-yeah," Owen didn't seem to buy it, but either way he sighed and smiled at her.

"You are a horrible liar, you know, um... Miss?" she realized she hadn't introduced herself and she chuckled at her foolishness and his uneasiness in saying the word of gesture.

"I'm Tanalya," she said with a bright smile.

"Oh yeah, you're in my year.... Sorry, you just began to distance yourself all of a sudden and I guess I never paid much attention to you," Tanalya smiled then bit her lip as they started walking down the hall to her class, "Why did you do it though... distance yourself?" Tanalya pursed her lips into a grim line and sighed.

"Stuff... I guess," Owen looked at her for a moment before turning red in the face and whipping his head away from her. Tanalya looked at him and cocked her head, "What's wrong?"

"Sorry, I feel weird when I see people upset," Owen chuckled and she smiled slightly before carefully bringing her hand up to touch his shoulder.

"Owen... can I say something?"

"You're already talking,"

"This isn't the floor of our class," Owen blanked, turned red and burst out laughing at his foolishness and Tanalya chuckled along.

TANALYA GREENEWOD: World 10Where stories live. Discover now