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"Jokx," She mumbled, before making her way away from the table to his side, worry was evident on her face as she inspected him. She let out a relieved sigh and Jokx smiled at her in amusement.

"I'm fine, I can't get hurt, trust me," He looked up his gaze stern as he glared at Coralline, "Stop putting little fantasies into her head already. The world is certainly not ending,"

"Yes, only if we get it right this time," Coralline stated sternly, returning the glare.

Okay, I got to be honest; Jeremiah is the smartest being here

"Is he right?" She mumbled, questioning the one who resides in her.

Nope, but he sure acts that way.

So the world was ending. She could barely breathe at the thought.

"You guys are really messed up you know. Even after covering for you two times, you still lost to them again. You are all weak,"

"It doesn't matter, plus... do you really want her to know?" Coralline stated and Tanalya furrowed her brows, looking at Jokx and then at Coralline, there was an intense battle going on with their eyes and she definitely wasn't getting involved anytime soon. Suddenly, Jokx grabbed her hand.

"We're going back," Jokx announced and the two of them turned.

"Stop," Jokx sighed and looked over his shoulder at the woman, "She's our last resort,"

"Can't you see she doesn't want any of this," Tanalya felt grateful that Jokx knew of her feelings.

"It seems you've been contributing to that feeling,"

"Maybe..." Jokx smirked a bit.

"But still, there's the evidence. We should at least try," Coralline paused, "Let's hear what she thinks?" All eyes turned to the confused girl standing in their midst. She knew she had to make a decision sooner or later. She sighed, "Miss Tanalya, would you like to hear more?" In a way she did, but she also didn't. Hearing more wouldn't exactly change her feeling about the whole being a link thing. But not hearing any more wouldn't change it either, especially with what she'd just heard from the Writer. She racked her brain a bit and came to a decision.

"I do," Satisfaction ran across Coralline's face as she heard Tanalya's response. Jokx scowled and then kicked the air, groaning, "Actually... I want to learn what SPL is mainly after. I want to learn what you all are after," Silence filled the room for a moment and then Coralline gestured to the seat she just stood from. Tanalya quietly walked up to it and sat, waiting for her to speak. Jokx groaned and sat on the seat beside her. He pouted as he folded his arms.

"SPL's main goal is simple... Conquer the Normalcy," Tanalya stiffened. One thing she'd learnt in the SPL was the Normalcy. The Normalcy was the balance between Specials and Normals (The regular humans). The Normalcy meant that Specials to humans will ALWAYS be 1:20, that meant if the population around the world was 21 million people, Specials would be a million and Normals, 20 million. It was there for the protection of both Specials and Normals. Or at least that is what she thought. Specials are the higher beings and if they ever get more, they would be exposed; Normals may feel threatened and kill them off. In the same manner, if Specials were more, they could feel higher than they actually are and may attack the humans. In short, it could cause a war that could end the world. The Normalcy prevented that and also made sure that the race of Specials remained hidden. If SPL wanted to upturn that balance then...

"Wouldn't that make some Specials die. I mean Normalcy always stands,"

"That's what I thought as well until we made the count. According to the last two links, that's what the Writer wants us to think. The fact is that it isn't true. Approximately, yes, to an extent it's true. But recently SPL made a count and it isn't. Now that they know they can give birth to as many kids as required, they are trying to start a war; Trying to get exposed. They want to make a world where the Specials to Normals are 20:1. That way they are sure to control the whole world,"

TANALYA GREENEWOD: World 10Where stories live. Discover now