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Jokx was cornered. Holding his drink and Tanalya's bottled water, he had nowhere else to go.

Good grief... all he wanted was to get back to the girl he was supposed to be protecting. He did not have time for the Nikki girl. Nikki had clearly had much to drink. Her face was red and her deepest desires were on full display. Despite this, she had seemed sober enough so he'd asked where he could get bottled water. He didn't want to risk giving his queen spiked drinks. Bottled was the safest. Now he was stuck in the locked kitchen with his back against the wall as Nikki used her hands to stop him from moving.

"You felt it didn't you? You're with the r-wrong person," Nikki slurred and Jokx groaned tiredly, sighing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jokx asked

"You were lying... he said you were... lying so..." She snaked her hands round his shoulder, "Kiss me," Blegh... Jokx was certain he would puke at this point.

"Let me out, Miss. You have no idea what you're asking for,"

"Jeremiah Kaleen. 20. Born on the 15th January. Works at Spice, Prize and Light; a famous dynamic company. You work as manager, second only to Neon Grey, the owner, I have full idea who I'm asking for... and I'm not leaving till I have him," he was impressed. This girl knew her stuff. She was well fed with information. A rich brat- that was what she was

"Gargh, you sound like a brat right now," Jokx leaned in close to her in a menacing way, "Nikki Barrett. 20. Born March 7th. A legal therapist in her penultimate year of studies GerNiC Bond. A brat who gets everything she wants. You're not the only researcher you know," Nikki smirked and got excited as their breaths mixed.

"So you felt it too?" She stated, "Then let's..."

"Sorry... I missed a fact- certified whore. Nikki Barrett, a whore with a mask of money." Disgust laced Jokx's eyes and Nikki stood startled, "Now get the hell off of me," He shrugged her hands off and made to leave.

"I have money. I'll pay," What? He could barely believe this girl would go that far, "SPL is famous but you don't get nearly as much as I'm about to offer," Jokx wanted to say something but she chirped in again, "I'm offering a million here," Jokx blinked. This girl had to be a joke.

"You're crazy," he placed a hand on the door knob.

"I have the bloody keys you can't get out, damn it!" He groaned... He completely forgot it was locked, "I want you and I'll have you- two million," Jokx snickered. He didn't need a dime from this girl.

"You think you can make me waver,"

"Two point five it is then," Jokx strode over to her.

"The keys... now," Jokx demanded, "Or I'll take it from you,"

"And I'll scream," She took off her shirt and placed the keys in her bra. He was spell bound. He so badly wanted to kick this door down, but he needed to exercise patience. He dropped the things he held and chuckled.

"You make a hard bet,"

"Three Million then," Now he was sure this girl could go to any length. He could swear that this girl was the one that needed therapy. He wondered how someone so deranged could help deranged people. But then again, this girl was wasted. He bit his lip trying to convince himself it was the alcohol, "So?" Jokx held her closely and pressed his lips on her skin. Sudden satisfaction filled her as she wrapped her hands around him. He held her close, unclasped her bra and caught the keys before they could fall. He pushed her off him and winked.

"Thank you~" She was too stunned to speak and simply watched as he made his way to the door and unlocked it. But not before picking up his drinks. He made his way out and suddenly Nikki let out an ear bursting scream. Jokx groaned

You got to be kidding me.

Tanalya's eyes shimmered as Owen helped her up the stairs and her eyes widened. This was the biggest tree house she had ever seen. In fact it was a tree castle, Hidden ladders and bridges had been interesting enough, but now the sight was breath taking. Owen shyly watched her as her eyes darted to ever corner of the place.

When Owen had led her into the woods, she had been alerted enough. It had taken a lot for her to trust he wouldn't kill her and to go into the darkness at 9pm. At least he gave her a torch though.

The area was wide and well made. The wood was smooth and perfectly carved. Tanalya fingered the walls and then the cupboards and even the couch.

"This is so freaking cool," She stated and Owen nodded.

"It's not finished yet though," She cocked her head as he said that and he walked up the front of the living space and fingered the wall there. The wood in that area was different. It was simply unique in the whole place. Tanalya walked up to beside him and the two stared at the wall, "Before my sister left home, she said something to me and I want that placed here the second this place is finished," There was this look in his eyes that made her feel calmed as she stared at them. It was a bit familiar. She knew Owen but this felt differently familiar. Owen met her gaze and she turned red as she realized she was staring.

"I... why exactly are you building this place though...? Don't get me wrong, I love it, but I mean, aren't tree houses for kids? You know to hang out away from others?"

"Oh... yes, of course it is," He stretched, "But pretty soon when this place had been decorated it will serve a very unique purpose to people," Tanalya raised a brow. Who would want to live in the woods, a fifty mile radius from the nearest household? Even if she couldn't get it, she said nothing. Whatever he said seemed deep, "Nikki has been begging for me to take her here though,"


"Yeah, but I can't let her here or she'll just want it for herself; She wouldn't say it, but the second she takes alcohol, bam, her whole reasoning becomes dysfunctional. She's quite the therapist but she needs one if she takes alcohol... it's a pain most times,"

"And you still let her drink?"

"She's twenty, what can I do about it? She's a legal adult. Plus, she only does things she really wants," Tanalya pressed her lips in a grim line and yawned a bit, rubbing her eyes, "You tired?"

"Yeah, kinda- This whole party thing isn't my duo," A smile played on his lips and he helped her to the balcony of the tree house where a comfy bench sat practically calling for her to sit on. Her eyes shifted to the sky above them and her eyes sparkled. It was simply breath taking from this high up. She could see trees below her and from a far distance the colours Nikki's home was portraying, "Can I ... sit?" Owen sweat dropped.

"Yes, totally," She sat on the bench and her tired legs finally got a rest. She simply stared at the plane with a smile on her face. Owen's ringtone filled the space and he apologized before picking up and excusing himself to the room. She shrugged and stayed where she was, rubbing her hands together and enjoying the scenery. Her phone beeped and she looked at it, furrowing her brows at the message that she just got from Jokx.

Jokx: Tanalya Greenewod, run to me.

She blinked and then felt the sudden presence from behind her. Two people; her eyes widened as she felt the danger lurking around them both, though one had guilt. Her gaze shifted and locked with Owen's guilty ones and before she could find the next being, a cloth was placed over her nose. She was alarmed and she struggled to breathe and pull of the arm yet it took a matter of seconds before she slumped, instantly passing out. The last thing she heard though was.

"I'm sorry,"

TANALYA GREENEWOD: World 10Where stories live. Discover now