
"Tanalya..." Nikki smiled brightly at the girl, "Nice to meet you again," Tanalya rubbed the back of her head as she dropped Bish to the ground and Jokx waved looking completely bland.

"It is... We kind of got off on the wrong foot the last time," Tanalya blushed, "I apologize," Nikki laughed airily

"No problem... I was quite rude to conclude things all a sudden,"

"But you were right... I went to my doctor... I do have a condition I guess," Tanalya was shocked about how easily she could lie.

"Ooh... I hope you are better now?"

"Much better," Tanalya beamed. Nikki eyed Jokx with a flirtatious smile but he just kept on a bland face

"And this is?" Tanalya looked at Jokx not knowing if introducing him was right. He looked at her and intertwined their hands immediately.

"We need to go, babe," Tanalya felt lightheaded on hearing him call her that. She blushed hard but took it as a cue that he did not trust Nikki. He had his reasons; she didn't bother to question it.

"Um... my boyfriend... uh we need to go now. Nice meeting you again," Nikki took her arm.

"Wait, hold on, I just remembered something," Tanalya raised a brow, "I have a birthday bash on Sunday night at my place, and I will love for you to attend,"

"Uh..." Tanalya glanced at Jokx, who seemed completely cool with it, "Ok..."

"As far as I can come," Jokx stated and Nikki eyed him.

"He's nice," Nikki mumbled to Tanalya annoyed, "Yes, you both can come... um, here is my card," Tanalya took the business card from her not bothering to mention that she already had one, "Text me and I will text you the details," Tanalya nodded with a wide smile and rushed passed her, Jokx hot on her tails. He gave Nikki a smirk as he passed and she blushed hard. Bish followed right behind them.


"I've never gone to a party before," Jokx literally choked on the milk he was gulping down. He swallowed and started to cough while Tanalya patted his back in concern.

"What?" He finally said when he got back his breath, "Is it even possible?" Tanalya shrugged and he ran a hand through his hair, dropping his glass of milk.

"Mum never let me go anywhere that wasn't school,"

"And you never snuck out to a party before?" Tanalya shook her head, "Wait... you're still virgin?" She bit her lip and nodded slowly.

"Is that a crime?" Jokx smirked.

"Certainly not baby girl," He chuckled, "Okay, there isn't much to it. Just go in, drink, probably hook up, wake up in someone's house and get the person's number," Tanalya's face twisted in disgust, "Or go in get drunk and tease boys who would ever so badly want to hook up with you,"

"Tease boys?" He shrugged, "Like how?"

"Most girls come in short gowns and all that sort. Others who already date someone or have no intention to get drunk come in jeans and stuff. They usually hang out with whoever they came with and leave before everything is over,"

"Of all the things you have mentioned, that's the safest,"

"That's concerned with a casual party though- most times. In a formal party is just talk all through and fashion parades,"

"How do you know which is which?"

"Just ask," There was a knock on the door and both eyes turned to it, "Got any friends coming over?" Tanalya shook her head firmly and he raised a brow. He got up immediately and neared the door, "Hide," Tanalya ducked behind her bed and peeked out to see who it was. Jokx opened the door casually and began to speak to someone.

"She isn't home?" Tanalya recognized the voice and popped out of hiding.

"I am, Miss Xona!" She tumbled over her bed and dashed to the door, "I almost forgot about our lessons!" Miss Xona looked relieved to see her and that only made her smile more. They had had lessons every Sunday since they had met, but most of the time, Jokx was not home and when he was home he was asleep. He called Sunday his day off, when in truth he had no day off.

The two got the kitchen ready for the lesson of the day while Jokx focused on whatever he was watching on his phone. After a while of talking mainly on food, Xona decided she would bring it up.

"Who is he?" Tanalya was too busy watching the sizzling oil to understand what she meant at first, but soon enough, she did.


"Don't talk anymore child; your boyfriend right?"

"Not exactly,"

"You can tell me anything child. I've gone through the same. He's pressuring you to give him a place to stay right? With your hard earned money. Say the words and I'll drive him out," Tanalya's eyes widened.

"No, Jokx isn't even my boyfriend!" Tanalya whisper-shouted, "He has a place to stay, I think; he's just looking after me since I'm new in a lot of stuff... He's more like a body guard," Xona was not buying it.

"Don't sleep with him, and stop if you already are. He'll dump you the second he finds out you are pregnant. Men are like that. They get scared off pretty easily. Cowards," There was honest hurt in her voice and Tanalya placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'll tell you if anything happens okay?" She smiled at Xona in a way that she couldn't help but smile back too.

"You better," The two lunged into another conversation about the chips they were making and didn't even notice Jokx staring at them. He looked at Tanalya and sighed.

"Bunkers," He mumbled.

TANALYA GREENEWOD: World 10Where stories live. Discover now