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The table was filled to the brim with people. It reminded her of her first meeting in SPL. This time though there wasn't heaviness in the air. Despite them marveling over her presence and speaking about her, she didn't feel uncomfortable. She did feel a bit embarrassed. She poked her food. She could not get her mind off Jokx. No one seemed to want to talk about him and it bothered her. If they weren't talking didn't that mean they did something?

She'd lost her appetite thinking and poking her food seemed like the next best thing. She didn't know how to join conversations. There were tons happening on the table; the young ones were running around, once in a while staring at her in awe and excitement. Every time she smiled at them they went red and giggled, waving back. The teens in the crowd simply conversed in hushed tones as they ate, once in a while peeking at her. The adults were in a random discussion, but they also had eyes on her. The excitement that was being felt in the room was alarming. Everyone seemed to be rejuvenated, all except...

Her heart practically stopped when she locked gazes with Owen. She tore his gaze of her. She could see how guilty he was; it in a way amused her.

"Its fine," She mouthed as he looked at her again. She gave him a warm smile and then sighed, staring at her food again. It was awkward. She felt so out of place here.

Shortly after the dinner, she was sitting in front of the adults. A few people her age were there- like Owen, Drew and Marin. Marin was the most calm among them all. The rest of them either wore seriousness like a prize, or were bursting with excitement.

"Miss Greenewod, your majesty-" She cut a woman short.
"Tanalya is fine. No need to be formal," It's weird. She wanted to say it, but she didn't, rather she watched the older woman smile and she looked away the second their gazes met.

"Tanalya... I must suspect you have lots of questions. Marin told me about Drew's little outburst. I greatly apologize,"

"It wasn't a problem," Tanalya stated dryly.

"That's interesting," The older woman took a deep breath; "I am Mrs. Coralline Bella. I am the control panel behind the happenings of the Special group, the Elites," Coralline smiled as Tanalya nodded, "We've been looking for you for some time now..."

"How'd you find me... how'd you even know I was the link?"

"Remember a dog, Chuck?" A smile played on her lips as she remembered the dog's sassy attitude. Over the months, she'd dog-sat him once or twice after their first encounter; his owner had known her well for being the only sitter who he hadn't crept out. It made sense that they found out through him, "He doesn't have a side. He simply shares information to all sides. But he's trust worthy- he'll never utter what you want him to keep a secret. He was the informant of both SPL and Elites about your existence. He'd met many Mundanes, but you were different so when he got the chance he asked of your existence on both sides,"

"When I passed out," She stated and his eyes met hidden ones behind a hood. It had taken her some time, but the presence was the same. It was Nikki, "So Nikki came because of—"

"Yes," Coralline stated, answering her unvoiced question, "She's currently a bit tipsy, but she could be better soon,"

"So all this was just a scheme to get me to come here... To kidnap me...?" The room went tense as sudden anger laced her voice. Tanalya took a deep breath and tried to control her temper, before deciding to let them speak.

"Unfortunately, yes," The answer made her question being here, "We aren't proud of it, but that's the truth. SPL got to you first, suddenly coming in to say it was all wrong would have made you not come with us. Plus we had to separate you from Jeremiah. Trying to get you from out in the open would attract too much attention and we could have been followed. We had to take precautions. A party filled with people was the only way to make them rely on just Jeremiah and even if they couldn't, they wouldn't have been able to track your every move. We deeply apologize for all inconvenience. We are a small body and need to take some measures to keep our people safe,"

"I get it... but, what do you all want from me? I'm the link, but that's it,"

"Yes, that's it, but that's for now. The SPL and Elites know what you are capable of if you are able to freely control your powers,"

"I honestly can't wait to fight you," Tanalya jot her head over to a boy around her age who was playing with a stress ball, squeezing it with honest fervor. There was a glint in his eyes that kind of freaked her out and Coralline sighed.

"Be nice Kent," Coralline stated, shaking her head disapprovingly, Kent just chuckled, the same look in his eyes as he stared at her, "The motives of the SPL... have you ever thought about it?" She stated and Tanalya furrowed her brows, "You are the strongest person in the world, they can use you for a lot of things,"

"I'm not the strongest person in the world... I can't beat Jokx in a thumb war. I'm certainly not the girl you are looking for,"

"That's because you haven't embraced it yet," Coralline stated, "The SPL has no idea about this, but we've nurtured every link there is. They always end up with us. Always for the past ten generations. But every single time it ends up the same way. Death," Fear tugged at her heart and confusion enveloped her.

"What? Death...? That makes me not want to be here," Tanalya shot up

"Wait... you see, also for the past generations links are always sprung up from our line of people. The Elites always have the link, always, but this time, it's different. Completely different: For starters, your family has never even come in contact with both SPL and Elites, ever. In all generations, the link never went to SPL,"

"So? It doesn't mean that—"

"It does, it actually does. The Writer is exceptional in everything he set down. He knows what he's doing—that's one thing we figured over the years," Coralline stood and pressed a button, a projector turned on and she saw images of people, "I think this time, he wants something more. You're the last bet. We have to get it right this time,"

FINALLY, these assholes needed me to change the obvious scenario first. I mean i made them this way but damn, i have to admit, I'm gooooood.

Tanalya eye rolled at the voice in her head

"Tanalya Greenewod, we have evidence that you might be the last link, and we've reached a conclusion that if we don't do this right?" Coralline pursed her lips in a thin line, "It could be the end of the world,"


"End of the world," It came out before she could say it herself. All eyes turned to Jokx as he stood in front of the large double doors with an amused look on his face, "You got to be joking right?"

"Jeremiah Kaleen," Tanalya's eyes practically sparkled at the sight of him.

TANALYA GREENEWOD: World 10Where stories live. Discover now