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Jokx threw down his cigar as he spotted the familiar figure looming above the crowds. He scoffed. The guy had a real way of standing out. He thought of the easiest way to get rid of him and pushed himself off the car and stretched. The figure approached him and he glared up at the being, annoyed by their difference in height.

This guy is just freaking tall.

"What do you want Charles," Jokx said, not bothering to hide his annoyance

"Jeremiah, so it was you they put on guard duty," Charles said, a smirk appearing on his sun burnt face.

"Thats not your bloody business. What the hell are you doing in town?"

"Same thing as you,' Jokx laughed mockingly and Charles licked his blackened lips, taking out his cigar, "You got a light?" Jokx eye rolled.

"Like the rogue flame special would need one." Charles smirked and with a snap of his finger, a tiny flame lit above his finger and he lit his cigar with it.

"As snappy as always, can't help a friend out,"

"Psh, theres no friends in this thing. You should know that better than I do," Charles took in a long hard smoke, and Jokx said nothing even as they leaned on his car.

"So wheres the brat," Jokx scoffed.

"It doesnt exactly matter. You can't lay a finger on her," Charles burst out laughing and Jokx raised a brow.

"I never said I would touch her, no, we have people who do the dirty work,"

"I assume it was your guys that attacked before,"

"Attacked," Charles raised a brow, "Now no, of course not. You of all people should know we arent careless, why send a couple of amateurs when we can send an army," The maniac look in Charles eyes made Jokx feel a sudden extra dread for the guy by his side, "You still have a spot in the Elites Jeremiah. We are waiting for you," The tall man pushed himself off the car and stretched, "Nice talk before the main game,"

"Get lost," Charles smirked, chuckling under his breath.

"Its only a matter of time, Jeremiah," He paused, "And have you told them your little secret yet?" Jokx remained unfazed and Charles smirked, "Thats quite interesting, Hren,"

"Seriously Charles, get lost already,"

"Aye-aye, alright, I'm out," He smirked, his eyes flickering with an orange flame. He waved and began to walk off. Jokx glared at his behind, raising his hand in attempt to attack. But then he paused.

"Jokx," Tanalya called out and he looked at her with a smile, immediately masking every other feeling, "I'm sorry, Owen and I had to meet up for something and I forgot to text you," Jokx laughed and the girl, out of breath, wheezed as she stood. With a side eye, he looked at the tall mans retreating figure and he felt all the more angry. When he looked at her again she was mere inches away from his face, "is something wrong?" He stepped back and chuckled.

"Nah, why would there be," He opened the car door for her, "Hop in, we have to go for training right," Tanalya nodded, a weird feeling settling in the pit of her tummy. She felt a weird sense from the area that a bit alarmed her. She glanced at the figure emitting such energy and gasped.

Hes freaking tall

She shook her head and stepped into the passengers seat. The energy around the man was ominous and frightening and yet only she seemed to sense it. She shut the door and Jokx came over to the drivers seat and started up the car. She froze as he smiled at her. The air around him wasnt thick, in fact it was mild and tender yet his energy felt just as dangerous.

TANALYA GREENEWOD: World 10Where stories live. Discover now