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"Finally that weirdo's gone," Jokx said as he shut the door, immediately taking off the bandage and stretched, "I was beginning to think that would never happen," she watched him toss the bandage in the bin and then her eyes traced back to his arm.

"What was all this about today...?" She blurted before blushing and looking away from him. He glanced at her.

"That's one of the reasons why I was assigned to be by your side... it's only ever going to get worse," She looked at him.

"So all you will ever be to me is a stupid body guard?" Jokx looked at her and sighed.

"It's not that bad," She looked away from him, "Come on..."

"Why? Why is all this happening...? I don't want this to happen. All I wanted was a lonely simple life and this is what I get,"

"It's not that bad," She glared at him.

"You have no right to say that. You don't know what I risked even leaving in the first place. I tried my best to try away from any link to mum and to live life to the fullest, but I'm always stuck either in the four walls of my classroom, my house or that stupid SPL base." She frowned and Jokx rubbed his head, trying to gather words.

"I'm sorry, 'Kay? But in as much as I will like to change some rules, I can't," Tanalya frowned then stood from her bed.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jokx raised a brow but nodded, "You're a Special right?" Jokx nodded slowly, not knowing where this was heading, "From what I have learnt in those after school lessons, a special cannot have diverse abilities," Jokx tensed.

"Yes..." Tanalya bit her lip.

"But..." Her hand immediately engulfed in flames and both of them jerked alarmed.

"Your hand,"

"I don't know why..." The air around her other hand turned to water and then got stuck to her hand as ice. Tanalya began to get increasingly alarmed, "Help!" Jokx jumped into action, taking a deep breath and gripping her shoulders. He closed his eyes and let out a breath. Then he opened them fast, completely confused.

"Why are you so scared?" He asked her, concern lacing his eyes, "This is normal for a link... you are the queen," Her hands began to shake as they reduced in size. For each second that passed she grew equally smaller. Jokx wrapped his hands around her as she reduced to the size of a baby, "Calm down okay?" Tanalya couldn't. Her head was beginning to hurt and she ran a hand through her hair repeatedly, "It hurts?" Tanalya nodded slightly; sweat beginning to form on her forehead. All other abilities had shut off at this point and Jokx rocked her in his arms. Her eyes shut and he stared at her. He looked up, "It's only going to get worse..."


Wake up...

Tanalya's eyes opened instantly and she looked around her. It was her room... her bed... but the solitude felt unreal. She sat up immediately coming face to face with her own face. She took a second to process it before moving back as fast as she could. Her own face smiled at her, the same beaming smile she gave to the people she loved.

You are awake finally...

It was weird hearing her own voice in her head, so loud that she just knew it was the copy in front of her that was responsible for it.


I know this must be confusing

"Very," her copy let out an airy laugh.

Of course you are... I'm the Writer

Tanalya gulped.

"You are?"


"So, what... Did I mess up?" Her copy laughed again.

Actually, you are one of the best links I have had


Why you are here? Tanalya nodded slowly, Well it is easy... it is time we met, Tanalya

"And... all that's happening.... Can you explain?"

Well... that would spoil all the fun wouldn't it?

"But... what are you? Are you some kind of goddess?"

What I am is quite hard to explain... something between goddess and a tool myself...

"And you can rewrite everything?"


"Then please... stop this," Her copy smiled sadly.

But that would spoil the fun... plus... there's someone waiting for you

As the words came to an end in her head, she felt her eyes open again. This time her room was filled with the noise of the city she dearly loved. She sat up with a huff and looked around her, her eyes immediately settling on the boy backing her. He was staring out the window, coughing hysterically. She stood quietly and neared him. Her blood ran cold the second she saw his hand mostly stained with blood. He ran a bleeding hand through his hair and let out a sigh. Jokx seemed and felt seemingly different. He seemed so vulnerable. Tanalya was hurt to see him this way. She touched him and before he could react, hugged him tight from behind. Jokx completely froze, shock lacing his eyes but in an instant it was replaced with sadness. He smiled widely and for that moment she felt she had actually been useful. Determination raced through her.

"If I'm useless in every other thing... I'll at least make sure you're happy," She didn't know she had said it out loud until she did. She loosened her grip, a blush creeping on her face. Jokx faced her just in time for her to watch the cut across his face close up. Jokx smirked at her and completely to her utmost surprise, hugged her.

"I swear I'll do the same for you too,"

TANALYA GREENEWOD: World 10Where stories live. Discover now