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Tides changed the second he stepped into the house. The warm smile Furner had given him disappeared and kindness was replaced with hostility. There were two other kids in the luxurious living space. They barely gave him a look and focused on the thing playing on the screen before them. Furner shoved him forward and he tore his gaze from then, though noticing as one of the children gave him a glance. It was a look of pity. A look that scared him to the bones and nonetheless the child focused on the television again. He was led to a basement and he watched as a door was opened leading to old wooden stairs that lead underground. Despite the feeling of disgust and disapproval that settled in him, he made his way forward, advancing down the stairs even before he was told. He just had to be a good boy. He always had to be a good boy; that was what he was constantly told.

The underground space was filled with cells, from what he could see they were about thirty in number, all small and cramped. He saw other kids his age staring at him as he passed, barely able to stand as the tiny bed took up the space of the cells they were locked in. They all looked unkempt, dirty staining their faces and their cloths torn and worn out. They all looked thin and they hollow look on their faces gave him an even bigger ominous feel of the place. As he walked past more cells he noticed the engravings above each cell. They all ranged from #1-#30. He was finally stopped in front of a cell with the engraving #21. Furner opened the cell and shoved him inside roughly.

"Get used to it brat. This is your home from now on," The words were a stab to the heart. It confirmed his suspicions yet he refused to give in to the doubt. His father had said he would be back. SO he would be back. As far as he knew, his father had never gone back on his word. He'd never even been wrong. Sometimes he was unsure of how perfect his father seemed all the time. But he didn't ever question it.

He was completely unsure of how long he spent in there staring at the boy that was in the cell adjacent to his. He had asked questions to him but he remained quiet completely ignoring him. He had taken that as cue to stay quiet. The next time he saw Furner, he was already about to doze off when the door was unlocked and he was dragged out.

"The rules still apply," Furner said as he joined a line of four children, looking around for a way to get his questions answered.

"Um..." He raised his hands slightly, "what rules, mister?" Furner narrowed his eyes at him and then scoffed, murmuring to himself before squatting to his height.

"The fucking new guy... you're seller did say you are an entity to have so I'll let this slide for now. I'm only going to point this out once, so you better listen... and never ever ask me a question again, you got it?" Jeremiah nodded furiously, cowering to himself as Furner barked out the words, "The rules are: Not to return till you get your target; Do not talk to anyone, especially cops; lastly, Don't try to run," Even if he didn't understand what Furner was referring to, he didn't ask any more questions.

Shortly after, they were dropped off by the roadside after being showed their targets. He chose to follow one of the boys among them and watched him at work. He didn't understand when he saw the boy approach one of the men in the picture. He said nothing as the man spoke to him, feigning a look of vulnerability. Jeremiah watched at a distant in awe. Realization hit him as the boy placed his hands on the man's bare hands and the almost invisible force was felt around them. It was a familiar force. The force emitted when one had taken a Special's ability. The boy proceeded to walk away and the man stared at the boy's back, perplexed.

Jeremiah stepped back and took all he got as information in. He was supposed to take abilities? That was it? The thought delighted him and he licked his lips and began to roam the streets for a prey. He wasn't sure how long or how far he had walked before he finally spotted one of the targets entering a car. He smiled and began to make his way to her but froze.

That scent

It was familiar yet different.

It smelt like how other Specials he had taken abilities from smelt. The scent was thick.


His mouth practically watered as he completely forgot about the target in general. He followed the scent. He hadn't tasted this yet. He wandered how this would taste. It sure smelt good. He was positive it would taste just as nice.

The scent led him to a building where a woman was trying her keys in attempt to enter. She was furiously trying to open the door and the clear frustration in her actions showed she was in distress. He didn't care. His eyes dropped down to her bare arms and he smiled. To take abilities, he had to have direct skin contact with his victim, even if it was just for a second. He carefully made his way over to the lady and tugged on her shirt and she froze. She looked at him and tried to hide her panic behind a smile.

"Little child... um... are you lost?" She glanced at the door frequently as she spoke. He was sure something was up, "Where are your parents? Could you..."

"Open the door?"

"No, I didn't mean that, but—" Jeremiah stepped forward before she could finish her sentence and took a deep breath before placing his hand on the lock. Seconds later the door sounded with a click and he looked at her when he was done. She stood there in awe, "You're a..."

"I'm hungry... I want it," The savagery lingering in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by the woman, "it smells really good, I want it," The woman placed a hand on his forehead and he smiled in delight. He activated his ability and the exchange happened faster than lightening. The familiar force was felt but the woman shivered, completely oblivious.

"Child, i—" A scream cut the lady short and panic arouse in her. Her gaze fell on the now open door and she looked back at Jeremiah only to see him walking away, "Child...?" She was confused but that didn't matter. She dashed into the house, activating her ability. Or trying to, "What...?"

Jeremiah was full, energized and very happy. This one tasted good. It tasted really good. Like nothing he'd ever tasted in his life. The feeling only made him crave more. He wanted to roam about the area more. He wanted find new tastes.

Abilities were an addiction to the likes of him; it was his cocaine, his alcohol. It inebriated him and made him forget. He could do anything for it, despite his age. He sighed as the familiar car skidded to a halt beside him. He didn't want to leave just yet. Not after that meal. Just remembering it, just the after taste made him want to head out again in another search.

Furner whined down the window and barked at him to get in. He opened the car door and did as told, reality once again hitting him. He was here, he had to be good, and he had to wait with a stranger for his father.

Furner scolded him immediately and he remained quiet, making sure not to meet his eyes.

"Did you get a target?" The question threw him off guard and he remembered the whole point of him heading out. He fumbled with the hem of his sweater, slowly shaking his head and a hand instantly collided with his face. He remained quiet, glancing at the other children sitting in the car unfazed, "So fucking useless. I've been fucking scammed. I'm definitely giving that Jovah a punishment," The sound of his father's name made him jolt his head up.

"No," The words came out of him before he could stop himself. Now they weren't stopping, "Don't touch him... I-I'll do better, please mister," Furner paused and debated whether to hit him again or not. He smirked as an idea came to mind.

"Is that so...? You better! I'm going to give you one last chance!" Jeremiah nodded immediately, cowering as Furner started the car again.

It was going to be hell.

TANALYA GREENEWOD: World 10Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat